Monthly Archives: June 2020

selfish jerks!

I’m disappointed, furious…horrified by my country’s response to COVID-19! Our leaders act like it’s an inconvenience. That ignoring it will just make it go away. They refuse to take responsibility, to model behavior that will help slow the spread; they refuse to accept science and the recommendations of experts. Meanwhile the country’s numbers of new cases are rising, the rest of the world is shutting their doors to us. I don’t blame you. The US is a horrible place to live right now. UGH. UGH. UGH. Anyhow…just getting this off my chest. Poetry is therapy you know…. Hope you are staying safe and for goodness sake, wear a mask and keep your distance when you leave your house. SMH!!

selfish jerks!

your heartlessness is on display
when you refuse to wear a mask
your heartlessness is on display

‘cause nobody should need to ask
it should be common courtesy
when you refuse to wear a mask

claiming your right to liberty
it shows you’re just a selfish jerk
it should be common courtesy

yet you don’t care who you might hurt
you’ve death and sickness on your head
it shows you’re just a selfish jerk

it’s stupid, you could slow the spread
your heartlessness is on display
you’ve death and sickness on your head
your heartlessness is on display


Today’s poetry form is called a Terzanelle:

The Terzanelle is a poetry type which is a combination of the villanelle and the terza rima forms. It is a 19-line poem consisting of five interlocking triplets/tercets plus a concluding quatrain in which the first and third lines of the first triplet appear as refrains. The middle line of each triplet is repeated, reappearing as the last line of the succeeding triplet with the exception of the center line of the next-to-the-last stanza which appears in the quatrain. The rhyme and refrain scheme for the triplets is as follows: 

1. A
2. B
3. A

4. b
5. C
6. B

7. c
8. D
9. C

10. d
11. E
12. D

13. e
14. F
15. E

Ending Type 1:

16. f
17. A 
18. F
19. A

Ending Type 2:

16. f
17. F
18. A
19. A

Each line of the poem should be the same metrical length.




the time
for words
they refuse
to be touched,
tiny hearts
that can’t love,
that reminds us
we are the worst
for the ineffable
belief in nothing
and what it leaves


A Black Out poem based on the poem below by Seth Abramson.

What I Have
By Seth Abramson

Twelve dollars sixty cents,
& the fact that there is no blood no storm
can’t wash into dirt, that the time for these words
is already ended,
that for all the rain that has been here before
so have I.
& there is less water in the world
than a famous woman once said, & I know that,
& that the stars in the river
also are real I also know, for they disappear also
& refuse also to be touched. & I have touched 
bare things, & it works—
it can be the sole unbraided moment in a life—
but even so, what better days look like to me is still
the tiny gore
of heartbreak, & long walks with small shoes
that can’t be taken off,
& schools in a city I love that put molded cages
over their clocks,
because that works too to remind us
we are not ready. & the worst of all is anything that
stays as it is
when touched.
At lunchtime a woman famous for her ability
to praise the ineffable

says she can’t believe anyone returns
to where they came from.
But of course they do. In fact
some do nothing else. & what is it they leave behind?
 Perhaps not the meaning of time,
but the time of meaning, & the fact that whatever
happens, tomorrow
will change it.

Source: Poetry (March 2009)

a whisper

in the stillness
a whisper is music
to our ears, like
soft mist rising
after a storm


Magnetic Poetry-Original Kit

ash to ashes

ash to ashes

i know how it feels to stand tall like an
ailing tree, to push every ounce of life
from my core, to bloom on the outside
because that’s what trees do,
to dig my shallow roots into the clay,
to bend brittle limbs, to break,
with every gust of wind, clinging
to who i was born to be, though
imagining the dream has begun
to fade…i know…and yet there are
moments when i remember once
upon this fragile life, my head was
lush and green, dancing on the breeze,
golden sunrises and sunsets in crimson
and purple, starry nights, the moon
full and bright, how many seasons
i have weathered, how many autumns
practiced letting go, letting go, letting go,
how many winters rested in the cool,
crisp silence of new fallen snow,
how many springs, burst into buds,
blooming, providing shelter for nestlings
near my heart, rocking them gently
in the crook my branches, how many
glorious summers, ah sweet summer,
even now as i fade to dust, i revel
in warmth and drink in the cool rain
life has been good, life is good,
every day precious, every day a gift
yes, i know how it feels old tree…i know


lost sheep

lost sheep

I worry for them, poor lost sheep
like lemmings rushing toward the edge
hungry for their shepherd’s lies
they hang onto his every tweet
he soothes them with vague promises
that he will likely never keep
fills their heads with fear and dread
it haunts them while they sleep
their wretched souls to him they pledge
hungry for their shepherd’s lies
into the dark abyss they leap


Magic 11 poem – my variation on the Magic 9 poem, a 9-line poem that doesn’t have any rules as far as meter or subject matter–just a rhyme scheme: abacadaba. Enter the Magic 11 abracadabra poem with the r’s intact, placeholders for a refrain. Rhyme scheme: abRacadabRa. (R for the refrain).