Monthly Archives: September 2023

chronic … for T

for T

she spends hours coloring mandalas
in adult coloring books from Amazon,
dozens of them, I’ve lost count over time,
she needs them, she says, they help
to keep her mind from dwelling on the pain…
incessant, excruciating pain
sometimes late at night I hear the sharpener
grinding wood and pencil lead…
grinding, grinding, grinding
and occasionally, deep moans as she shifts position
the sound makes the dogs bark
and the cats scatter to the shadows
I can’t begin to imagine it,
my aching arthritic knees seem trivial
to the monster that consumes this once
brilliant, vibrant, caretaker of others
who now depends on others, on me, for everything
I can’t begin to know when it may become
too much for her to fight this impossible fight
try as I might to ease the burdens of life
I’m powerless to stop the pain…so…
I keep buying coloring books and pencils
and I cook her favorite things,
pork chops, Dutch babies, sweetened coffee cream, Italian ice cups
and I help her complete little tasks and big ones
like getting the band on that citizen’s watch
adjusted to her shrinking wrist
I’m not a watch wearer but she has always been
and it was important to her, I could tell…
little things…are sometimes very big deals
in sickness and in health, I once said
and meant it…til death…
an unwelcome visitor who taunts her daily
as I do my best to hold things together
to try to make things better
in these worst of times…do us part


Deja Vu

deja vu
we’ve been here before
lessons from the past ignored
this never ends well


Shadorma is a Spanish 6-line syllabic poem of 3/5/3/3/7/5 syllable lines respectively. Simple as that.



a whisper
caught my attention
words I tried
to ignore
then robbed me of innocence
burdened with secrets


Shadorma is a Spanish 6-line syllabic poem of 3/5/3/3/7/5 syllable lines respectively. Simple as that.

in flux

in flux

the moon shows
her full face at dawn
the soft light
of the sun, blurring the line
between night and day


Shadorma is a Spanish 6-line syllabic poem of 3/5/3/3/7/5 syllable lines respectively. Simple as that.

A “Mash-Up” ReVerse Poem – Sunday, 3 September 2023

Well it’s been a week. Took time away from my day job to catch up on a few big projects at home. Here in the US we call it a staycation but don’t let that close kinship to the word vacation fool you. Staycations are anything but relaxing, recharging, getaways because, as the name implies, one “stays”. All this to say after an exhausting week, I only managed to pen three poems. I really like the shadorma though, and will give it another go next week when life settles into normal.

With only three days worth of inspiration to glean from, I decided to do a full harvest of verse taking each line in sequence from each day. A mashup reVerse poem if you will, rather than waiting for another week to assemble adequate content. Amazingly, it works.

We’d less to say, the silly chores did not wait, but I have a much cleaner garage to show for it, several appointments finally attended after having been canceled when life sidetracked our plans, and I got a few naps in…boy did I need those.

I’m looking forward to this coming week, getting back to my day job and the routine I’ve perfected over the course of this challenging year. I’m still exhausted but it feels oh so good to be able to find a hammer when I need one!

Happy September and impending Autumn to you! The cooler mornings are exhilarating! 😊

A “Mash-Up” ReVerse Poem - Sunday, 3 September 2023

a day off
clouds hang low
this I know
with so much to do
a blanket of mist
when nothing seems true
but I’m trapped
dawn is east
on treetops
dusk is west
two hundred pounds of pure love
cool rain droplets dust my face
the sun rises, then it sets
silly chores can wait
this could be heaven
the moon lights the night


A ReVerse poem (a practice I started many years ago) is a summary poem with a single line lifted from each entry of a collection of work over a particular timeframe and re-penned in chronological order as a new poem. Unlike a collaborative poem, the ReVerse features the words of one writer, providing a glimpse into their thoughts over time.