Category Archives: Spirituality


I’m a bit late to the 2024 party. As fate would have it, I was exposed to not just one, but two nasty viruses on Christmas Day at a family gathering. First to darken my door was the flu…a nasty strain this year…and then, just as I was feeling human again a week later, on New years Day, COVID finally got me (a first for me). I suppose I’ve joined the herd. If not for the booster I got last November, the doc said I might not have faired as well as I did. Still it was not how I planned on ringing in the new year! Anyhow…we’ve been snowed in for a bit…things finally melting, and I snapped this view out my front door this evening. It blew me away. I am so grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. For each sunrise and sunset. I hope you and yours are well.

Before I close out this post, I must share another view of the photo above. I applied a mirror filter to it and lo and behold, there she was right there reminding me Gaia, (as I imagine her at this time of year) sleeping amongst the roots, deep underground waiting for spring! What a gift this slight of photo editing produced! Isn’t she amazing!!! If you look at the original, you’ll see her peeking out at you. Sometimes it takes a mirror to see things more clearly.

It’s a reminder to me that it’s okay to rest (I’ve rested a lot this year). A new year need not be tackled all at once. We have 365 (actually 366 days this year) to live the promise of 2024.

I wrote a little haiku too. Of course I did! Peace and much love to you!

gaia suspended

deep beneath the snow
she slumbers, dreaming of spring
winter lingers long


A ReVerse Poem Sunday, 9 July 2023

Do you ever wonder if other generations faced times like these? The growing polarization, mass shootings, book banning, rewritten history, hatred, lies, lost rights and freedoms for certain groups, unprovoked conflicts, injustice…I’m sure there are more grievances to be listed here. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. But we humans have been around for eons. We have survived, plagues, unscrupulous leaders, civil wars, injustice, crusades, and the like before, and I dare say we will survive this chapter of our checkered history.

If you think this time is something new, it’s not really. A different cast of characters and situations perhaps but it’s the same fatal flaws that have plagued previous generations. We say that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. It’s simpler than that really. History repeats itself again and again because we are who we are. Humanity hasn’t changed much, just the scenery. So what does that say about us? Hang in there…don’t lose hope…we’ll get through this season. If history can repeat itself, so can our resiliency to emerge, to overcome and to thrive! Peace to you…we’ve got this!

A ReVerse Poem Sunday, 9 July 2023

I should take shelter but I’m transfixed
by an an invitation to pause, to breathe, to be
freedom for the chosen
at least to me it’s not a thing
a flash of crimson caught my eye
we say we miss the good old days
no amount of sun will burn this fog away


A ReVerse poem (a practice I started many years ago) is a summary poem with a single line lifted from each entry of a collection of work over a particular timeframe and re-penned in chronological order as a new poem. Unlike a collaborative poem, the ReVerse features the words of one writer, providing a glimpse into their thoughts over time.

The Landay – Day 2

In my youth, god was a mean, old man...
Now I’m old, she’s wise, maternal, like me, a woman.


Landay – The Landay is the poetic form of Afghan women. The poem is 22 syllables long and contains 2 lines. 9 syllables in the first and 11 in the second. Subjects can include, but are not limited to, war, separation, homeland, grief, or love.

Pronunciation/Etymology. In Pashto, “landay (LAND-ee)” means “short, poisonous snake,” likely an allusion to its minimal length and use of sarcasm. Landays (or landai) often criticize traditions and gender roles.

fish stick Jesus … thoughts and prayers

Fred Whan’s Fish Stick Jesus
David Howlett’s Naan Jesus
Toby Elles’ Frying Pan Jesus
Fish Stick Jesus

He was sighted on a fish stick,
on a pancake and grilled cheese,
Some say it was a miracle
so the faithful flocked to see.

They found him in his glory
on a toasted slice of naan
he gazed from ripe banana peels
and from unrinsed fry pans.

I know you won’t believe it
but they saw him in the clouds
as if coming for his chosen
from amongst the gathering crowds.

Ever watchful for their savior
leaving no stained rock unturned
the hopeful ever seeking
eager for his grand return.

So He came to them in person
wide-eyed, lost, without a home
in the hopes that they would know him
welcome him in, as their own.

But they ne’er saw him coming
turned away and closed their ears
for he looked too much like “others”
that the righteous ones all feared.

“We’ve just enough, we’ve none to spare,
don’t bother us,” they said,
and hovered round their idols
of his images instead.

When end of days for each one came
they waited at the gate
to give account of their life’s deeds
and learn about their fate.

“We saw you everywhere,” they said,
“and gave you proper due…
enshrined your image high and low
we stayed forever true!”

To their surprise the Master then
did shake his head and say,
“I only came to see you once
‘twas then you turned away.”


NaPoWriMo2023 Challenge – Day 7: a list poem. For today…after being buried in expense reports, power point presentations, spreadsheets, for about 12 hours straight, my brain is a bit fried. But never fear, I found this gem in my archive, written almost a decade ago. It fits the list requirement rather well, I think. Tomorrow, if the fates are kind, I’ll prepare a fresh baked poem. Until then, Peace and Love my lovelies! 😉

breath less

breath less

it’s the wind’s


of heaven sent
challenging me
to bend, not break
to dance with grace


about standing ground
more about letting
go…the fear, the pain
until all that’s left
is my soul, washed clean


Really enjoying the Cadae poetry form. Peace to you on this lovely day! 💞