Tag Archives: resilience

Magnolia Bittersweet

How fleetingly fragile, Magnolia’s blooms,
lemony sweet ivory, bursting at dawn,
much too soon fading from the sun’s scorching glare,
crimson fruit clinging, summering into fall.
It’s an ancient blueprint tested over time,
season to season, wintering evergreen,
deep rooted resilience in every way,
but for tender blossoms lasting only days.

kat ~ 4 June 2016


Another plot of earth, another lifetime,  but once again I am twitterpated by the elegance of one of my favorite trees…a poem from time past but still true…with a bit of camera magic to multiply my delight. What’s that I see? A faerie lighting on my fledgling tree! Can you see her too?  Magic is afoot this balmy summer’s eve.

Magnolia, emerging despite herself
now stands ten feet tall. I remember
when she was only three, wondering if her pale,
leathery leaves would survive the winter.
She has endured ice, snow, wind, glaring sun
seeming, surprisingly, stronger for it,
fragrant blossoms bursting with tenacity.

Her cumbersome, awkward extremities
have now softened – luminous, transparent,
fragile. Not hardened by life’s crushing blows,
when wind does howl, she bends as if caressed –
unguarded, grace-filled, refined, generous
with deep-rooted wisdom, doing what trees do
best – growing, yielding, season to season.

kat 2001