The Landay – Day 1

Self portrait with a little help from AI on PicsArt. ~kat
Eye contact’s not an invitation, 
when I smile, it’s me being kind, not flirtation.


Learn more about the Landay and read some amazing examples translated into English HERE!

Landay – The Landay is the poetic form of Afghan women. The poem is 22 syllables long and contains 2 lines. 9 syllables in the first and 11 in the second. (While there is no mention of rhyme in the description above, most of the examples I have seen do include rhyme at the end of each line.) Subjects can include, but are not limited to, war, separation, homeland, grief, or love.

Pronunciation/Etymology. In Pashto, “landay (LAND-ee)” means “short, poisonous snake,” likely an allusion to its minimal length and use of sarcasm. Landays (or landai) often criticize traditions and gender roles.

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