Echoes of my Neighborhood

It’s Thursday and time to share some snippets from my world. Thanks to my friend Jacqueline for hosting this weekly invitation: Echoes of my Neighborhood. 

This week I’m thinking trees. I love trees. Yes, I’m a tree hugger. Trees have stories to tell. Happy Thursday then…and do yourself a favor…hug a tree! ❤️

Starting this “tree party” with my latest obsessiion…the Faerie tree. she happens to also be a Dogwood. I love Dogwoods! ❤️

This lovely lady is Magnolia.

This great dame resides in Highland Park. She’s my favorite at the park.

This beauty is near the entrance of my office.

A posthumous remembrance…this lovely Weeping Cherry once graced the roundabout on my street. A derecho took her down.

From my weekend in Savannah.

The next four live along the Creeper Trail in Abington, Virginia

A frosty Fir tree in my neighbor’s yard next to my front porch.

Also my neighbor’s tree…it’s a “bottle tree”! 😊

…and a few blocks away…a stuffed animal tree. it’s proprietor claims she sought to beautify an ugly tall stump by hanging a few stuffed animals on it. over the years…yes years! people have given her more stuffed animals and the rest is history! An attempt to beautify an eyesore has now become one!

…and my own creation…digitally enhanced from my back yard…the tree with a bird shaped leaf in winter.

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