Echoes of my Neighborhood

Happy Thursday! Yet another installment of Echoes of my Neighborhood, a challenge hosted by Jacqueline at “a cooking pot and twisted tales”. To see other “Echoes” click HERE !

Here in the Mid-Atlantic States in the USA, Spring is in full swing! Just ask any of us who suffer from seasonal allergies. There is a pale coating of pollen on every surface, and trees are on the brink of bursting!

In a week or so, I will wake up one morning and the braches will be fully dressed in bright green leaves!  It’s always a mystery to me when that happens. It’s like a Spring Miracle!

This week I took photos of those trees as they are just beginning to bud. I call the photo montage here…”On the Brink”.

In fact, we are all, at any given time “on the brink” of a miracle. (They happen every day you know!)  What are the signs of an impending miracle where you live? Get ready. You could be blessed any day now! Like these trees you too are on the brink!



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