NaPoWriMo 2024 ~ the ReVerse

the windows in this house have never been dressed 

when terrible truths rise up from the dead
ancients who reside on veil’s cusp
I felt it in the deepest part of my soul
entranced, though certain death awaits
happiness is this moment
a sure antidote for the insanity
Ordered a tea. Wish you were here.

when my time comes, I hope it’s quick
centuries old, with eons of history
so have a day, good, bad, don’t care
what worked in winter is not a good look for spring
we might have been friends, perhaps we were
We saw it with our own two eyes and lived to tell.
I think I’ve learned a bitter lesson

Wait until the time is perfect,
a thought, we speak in code,
begging to be touched, to feel
it’s a worn out saying…no regrets
sweet on the tongue with power to sting
like birds to seed
we will never forget that day
is it gray or is it grey?

to know the truth; what is truth?
you love deeply, so deeply
what will be, will be, it’s all good, whatever…
ask me anything
stars bursting ‘midst a sea of green
I’ve spent three days boiling driftwood,
like a tidal wave, you flood my senses,

don’t smile, avoid eye contact, let them be!
her entrance, well, it caused a stir


Happy May Day to you! Time to look back at the challenge that was, NaPoWriMo 2024, with a ReVerse poem!

A ReVerse poem (a practice I started many years ago) is a summary poem with a single line lifted from each entry of a collection of work over a particular timeframe and re-penned in chronological order as a new poem. Unlike a collaborative poem, the ReVerse features the words of one writer, providing a glimpse into their thoughts over time. I use it as a review of the previous week…or in this case, the past month broken into 7 “day” increments.

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