Twittering Tales #131 – 9 April 2019

Twittering Tales

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. If you would prefer to post your tale in the comments (some people have very specific blog themes but still want to participate), I am happy to post a link to your site when I post your tale in the Round Up.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

Twittering Tales #130 -The Roundup


Photo by Marc Schäfer at

Starting us off…

You Had Me At…
I could never bring myself to say it. There were so many opportunities. Times we passed in the hall. That rainy day I held the door as you rushed by, damp hair smelling of cologne. Rememember? Why would you. Now I’m left to wonder what might have been if only I’d said ‘hello’.
277 Characters

By The Dark Netizen:
I had so much to say, but I never got the opportunity.
With all the torture and acid, those filthy bastards took my voice away. However, they could not take my will to say. I share my thoughts.
I carve them on the skins of the guilty, or write them on the walls with their blood…
Character Count: 280

By Amritha at Igniting Hope:
A Dedication
I have so much to tell you. I can understand your urge to share with me too. You planned your journey (to heaven) too early while my life events unfolded a bit late.
So here’s a dedication for us, Dad- “Things I wanted to say but never did!”- in your perspective as well as mine.
(280 characters)

By Kate at Everywhere and Nowhere:
Sometimes I imagined that we had got together, it wouldn’t have been a stretch, we’re close friends and we did act on the chemistry between us that one time. But now you’re getting married, and I’m so happy for you, but I’ll always wonder if it could have been us.
Characters: 264

By Reena at ReInventions:
Too Late
It is too late to say what cannot be done, and undone. I tried my best to love you. I could not cross barriers of your insanity to find the real you. And saying that you have mental health issues would’ve led to some more madness.
(230 characters)

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
I’ve lived a long life, a good life, a happy life, and as I look back on the life I lived, I have few regrets.
No regrets about the deeds that I’ve done or the things that I’ve said.
But I do have regrets about the things I never got around to saying to you.
And now it’s too late.
(278 characters)

By Kristian at Tales from the Mind of Kristian:
Least Said, Soonest Mended
Looking at the leather-bound book labelled “Things I wanted to say” what came to my mind was, this person must have been very forthright.
The list of things I never said would stretch to three volumes.
So many things left unsaid. On the upside, least said soonest mended.
[271 Characters]

By Radhika at Radhika’s Reflection:
Muted Voice
When Adi introduced his best friend Jai to his bride Uma, they froze.
Recalling their chance meeting on a train journey where their eyes and heart embraced but  their words remained shy and muted. If only they gave their emotions a voice then, today would be a different story.
Letter count : 280

By Tessa at Tessa Can Do It:
Looking down at the coffin I wished for the hundredth time that I had told him I loved him. I know he had a wife, but there was something between us. We remained friends as his wish, but now I will regret that the rest of my life.
231 characters

By John at The Magic Shop:
Regrets – Diary
All that really mattered to Lt. Pitt was that Holk was now dead. Regrettably, he was two victims too late. The third girl was alive but, traumatized.  Holk had talked to her for days about all the violence he wanted to inflict on the world. All that was left now, was Holk’s body and a diary of his sick plans.
(300 characters)

By Leara at Leara Writes:
“Of all the things I said and all the things I thought to say, I know now the one thing I should’ve.” He read the words scrawled on a single page by a shaky hand. “I am proud of you.” This was the only message in the journal that arrived a week after his estranged father passed.

By Di at Pensitivity101:
She’d pressed the book into his hand just moments before she died saying
‘I never told you I loved you, but you knew, right?’
125 characters

By Larry at EastElmhurst.A.Go.Go:
Sins of Omitssion
“My parents have died,” Herbert thought.  “I’ve been through so many lost friendships and opportunities.” He lay motionless in his hospice bed, knowing that his bills were paid with money to spare, but something was still missing.  His imagination ran rampant.

By Melanie at Sparks From a Combustible Mind:
Judge the Book
Cindy hummed “regrets… I have a few..”    Her grandfather turned and said “Where’d you hear that song?  I wouldn’t think you’d ever hear of it!”  He remembered a day, remembered it well because he’d seen the girl that might have changed his life, but he never dared speak to her.
281 Characters

By Teresa at The Haunted Wordsmith:
The Hermit
The life of a hermit suited him. He had been dead six months before anyone found out. There was no funeral for the man who had no time for others and no one thought much about it–until the journal arrived. Only through death could he find the words he wanted to say in life.
This 275-character

By MSJadeli at Tao Talk:
Volumes could have been spoken between us, page by page, if listening would have been in our repertoires. Instead,we each carried a pack of color-coded post-it notes with assumptions, expectations, and hidden agendas that we exchanged. We stuck them on the fridge for later.
[279 characters]

By Graham at Graham is Just My Name:
You’ve always been forthright.
As a child it was charming, but now people avoid you.
Today is your 21st birthday.
You hand us a crude notebook, full of everything you’ve left unsaid.
As we flick through every blank page, you express a wry smile.
We look back with affection.
(270 characters)

By Ennle at Abandoned Amenities:
Not Interested
Why weren’t you interested
To know ME?
Don’t say I’m selfish; you all
Looked at me, saw what you
Wanted-needed-expected of me.
Servant-scapegoat, 2nd-paycheck
Possession to serve ego-centered
Pleasures often perverse.
I don’t miss you, finally have
A life in my world.  Fantasy?
280 characters

By Regina at Hope from Heaven:
Don’t Procrastinate
Ginny had postponed going to visit Joanna in the hospital on Tuesday. She planned to go and talk with her on Wednesday. But, Joanna died Tuesday night. All that Ginny needed to say will go unspoken for eternity. She only hopes that her sister knew that she loved her.
(268 Characters)

By Ron at Read 4 Fun:
I Wish I Said That
You should have been willing to count and admit he wasn’t yours. But you lived behind shields for your ego. That shield prevented your expressions of love for him that he deserved. Now, in the end, you should know, he donated the kidney that allowed you to live this much longer.
279 characters

By Lorraine at Lorraine’s Frilly Freudian Slip:
Job Satsifaction
Keep a journal, Teacher said.
Express yourself on the pages, Therapist said.
Forgive yourself, Psychiatrist said.
Seek atonement, Reverend said.
You are cured, Panel said.
Kill again, Voices said.
Love my vocation, I said.
(216 characters)

By Anurag at Jagahdilmein:
A Part of Me
There was a lot that I wished I could’ve said to her.
But somehow, the time was never right, till I discovered that it was too late.
She’s gone now, never to return. And all that is left is this diary, to remind me of her.
280 characters.

By Willow at WillowDot21:
Home Truths
Tom picked up the book and read. “You don’t get to tell me what, when or where anymore. You don’t shout out my short comings. You’re a bully, you are controlling. My friends and family are not bad. I will wear what I want, drink and eat what I want. You will not ever own me now.
(280 Characters)

By John at Broadsides:
I told the judge what we earned, all that we owned, all we had saved, all we are worth, to the last penny, but I could not tell him, nor you, I could only write, about the softness of your lips, or the joy of your body or how I hate it that we are to be divorced.

By Sadje at Keep It Alive:
We think in life we have lots of time
There are things to do,goals to achieve
To live the life we want where
Family and job all have their place
We sometimes get lost on the way
Lose sight of where we are heading
Relationships suffer because of neglect
The day of departure comes unexpectedly
And we go with regrets of leaving so much unsaid
Character count; 274

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
A sad room, full of empty bottles, was the only thing left by the father I’d not seen for the past 25 years.
The police had contacted me after finding an old newspaper cutting that identified me.
After settling his debts, I left the room, the memories, and the empty words, behind.
(279 characters)

By JP at The Wide-Eyed Wanderer:
The Ghost in the Book
The attic was filthy and covered in cobwebs. Anna spied an old leather diary. She opened it and blew the dust off the pages. The dust swirled into a tiny tornador and suddenly a ephemeral image appeared. Anna watched a moment as it coalesced when a sound shook the rafters “BOO!”
Character count 280

By Pat at Barbiturate Estuaries on Blogspot, jumping right into the challenge with THREE tales:
tongue in cheek
I wish you could understand why I suck on mother-of-pearl buttons
instead of chewing gum.
(88 characters)

Doc, help me.
She’s recording all of this.
But it’s her fault for the sinuousness;
it’s all kinds of weird
like cutting out tongues
or burning feet
not because I want to
but it’s like she’s begging for it;
that Kat sister, her psyche?
she’s an agent provocateur alright.
(272 characters)

I collect dead birds.
Not to dissect or preserve them.
To let them rot;
feathers falling out, eyes
already gone;
the bodies heat,
It’s a heavenly smell,
like rotting fish
and vinegar chips,
wrapped in Christmas paper.
Spring’s the perfect time of year.
Hello, my name is Cat.
Feed me.
(279 characters)

By Deb at Twenty Four:
Sara sighed, aware that the cause of her pounding headache wasn’t difficult to determine.
The movie had been painfully long and inappropriately titled, it should’ve been called Things I Said and No One Wanted To Hear.
She laughed as she waved to the fans from the red carpet.
(274 characters)Deborah at A Wise Woman’s Journey used the Photo prompt for her NaPoWriMo. You can read it HERE.

Awesome round everyone! Thank you to everyone who participated last week. And welcome to those of you just joining us. So many words no longer left unsaid! It was an excellent week.

For this week, a rainy airport (Photo by Adhitya Andanu at sets the stage for your tale. Can’t wait to see your thoughts, in 280 characters or less of course. See you in a week at the round up!

Twittering Tales #131 – 9 April 2019

Photo by Adhitya Andanu at


The flights were grounded. Sadie scrolled through texts until one caught her eye.

“She’s gone Sadie. I’m so sorry.”

Sadie looked up, tears welling up in her eyes when she saw a familiar face staring back at her in the rain dappled window.

“Bye mom. We sure are gonna miss you.”

277 Characters

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