Tag Archives: penurious

Haiku Penurious – Friday’s Word of the Day Haiku


What a tricky little word, “penurious”…today’s Dictionary.com Word of the Day. On one hand it is a descriptor for miserly, stingy, parsimonious types…and on the other hand, it represents those who are poor, destitute, indigent, lacking in means and resources. A dilemma. But not impossible to incorporate into a single Haiku.  Especially if one employs a bit of thesaurus slight of word.

(If you are new here, I challenge myself every Friday to take Dictionary.com’s word of the day and use it in a Haiku – a three line poem with 5 syllables on line 1 & 3 and 7 syllables on line).

And so, here is my attempt at capturing the dual nature of this rather timely word…I give you…

Haiku Penurious…

Penurious souls
Seek haven from stingy brutes,
Misers with no soul.

Kat – 20 November 2015