a-b-c-d-e-effed – NaPoWriMo #19


americans are appropriately aghast at the
bumbling, blustering, bloviating barbs, the
ceaseless, calculated calls for cruelty, the
daily, deliberate, disgusting, divisive digs;
embarrassed by egotistical, efforts to
fracture our favor with friendly foreign
governments, goodness, goodwill, greatly
harmed, hailing hostile heads as heroes,
insinuating our institutions are illegitimate,
justice adjudicated by jokers and jesters,
kleptomaniacs, kremlinologist, keekers who
lie loquaciously and loose-lipped loyalist leakers;
media moles, meanwhile making mountains of
nits, the news of this narcissistic nincompoop’s
obsessive obeisance to oligarchs and overlords
putting us in peril, pitching plans to profiteer,
quick to quote the latest quips and  quackery,
resistant to reason, reading, reflection, reality
settling scores, this shallow, selfish scoundrel
tweeting terrible, troubling things, trolling
unyieldingly, the underdogs, unsung, upstanding
victims of his vicious vitriol gone viral; voters
will weather this whirlwind waging war with
xenophobic, racist, hating mongers with an X
yes these yahoos will become yesterday’s yarn
zany zillionaires get zip, when zonky zealots zing


An Abecedarian poem for NaPoWriMo 2019 #19 Prompt: write an abecedarian poem – a poem in which the word choice follows the words/order of the alphabet. You could write a very strict abecedarian poem, in which there are twenty-six words in alphabetical order, or you could write one in which each line begins with a word that follows the order of the alphabet. This is a prompt that lends itself well to a certain playfulness.


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