Heaven Can Wait

Do they even give god
a second thought?
Bluebloods, who needn’t
toil for bits of bread,
who dine on Danube Caviar
plopped on delicate
wafers in their garish
manor houses, sipping
tea while gossiping
about the latest fashion
faux pas or  who’s
doing who. What need
have they for the god
of needy souls, the
god of the outcast,
the sick, the lost,
the forgotten? What
need indeed! From
the outside looking
in their life is heaven on
earth…hell, where
sinners rot, rages just
beyond their gilded gate. 


A Poem for Mind Love Misery’s Menagerie’s Sunday Writing Prompt based on this Quote: “I talk to God, but the sky is empty.” by Sylvia Plath and the color chart below (the challenge required using at least three of  the color names in the piece).


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