April Poetry Month – A Poem a Day #14

Today I’m giving the Luc Bat a go. This poetry form is Vietnamese in origin and means “six-eight.” In fact, the poem consists of alternating lines of six and eight syllables. This poem is interesting in its rhyme scheme that renews at the end of every eight-syllable line and rhymes on the sixth syllable of both lines.

Here’s a diagram of how the first few lines of luc bat poems should rhyme:

I managed a few luc bats. The rhyme sequence is a bit tricky B but once I got the hang of it I wanted to keep going! Hope you will give this one a try! 😊

creeper 1

Sleep Interrupted

Here at the cusp of dawn
as dark of night moves on, I sigh
half asleep, buying time
Hit the snooze, close my eyes, distressed,
Toss and turn, try to rest
And then the sun, that pest, peeks through
The day awaits anew
There’s nothing left to do but rise.

No Regrets

It’s too late to regret
a deed once done and yet we try
“A do-over!” we cry,
as if we could deny our part
It cuts us to the heart
Releasing is an art, you know
the only way to grow
choose to learn, let it go, move on.

kat ~ 14 April 2016


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