Twittering Tales #113 – 4 December 2018

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tale…and a week to do it. I can’t wait to see what you create this week.

Twittering Tales #112 – The Roundup

Starting us off…

Second Chances
Tom and Sally had dreamed of walking those cobbled streets. Finally, they managed to make the long trip together. It was only possible though, after both their spouses had passed away. Tom knew he should have asked Sally to marry him when he had the chance all those years ago.
278 Characters

By the Dark Netizen:
Their bags packed, they began their journey.
Holding each other’s hands, they walked down the cobbled streets, reliving memories. They had always imagined what life would have been like had they met as children. Not having much time left, they went on a long walk.
One last time…
Character Count: 280

By Reena at ReInventions:
Color of Dreams
my innocence walks ahead of me
beckoning, reminding
all that is lost
and all that is added
wisdom acquired
in the intervening years
a journey of intrigue
many lifetimes lived
in one
I lost count of time
in the sound of footsteps
chasing shadows
colors of dreams
with non-existent wings
(278 characters)

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
They were last here decades ago when they took their son and daughter for a family vacation. They were all so happy back then.
But then the school bus accident tragically took their twins from them.
Now it was finally time for them to visit again. It was time to get closure.
(275 characters)

By Deepa at Sync With Deep:
Balancing Togetherness
We have been walking hand in hand for the past 35years. It was love. We still walk hand in hand. But now it is the fear of losing balance.

By Willow at WillowDot21:
Bucket List
She’d been 17 when they had married. 19years when the first boy arrived and 30years when the third and last boy appeared. Well now they had all grown and flown. It was their time. So they renewed their passports and set off on their travels. So they entered their second teens.
(279 Characters)

By Kristian at Tales from the Mind of Kristian:
A Dismal Day
The day dawned but the sun remained behind clouds.
They’d planned this trip years ago but as they made their way through the mountains by coach they could barely see through the dismal mist and rain.
Suddenly it cleared.
The City in the Clouds it’s called and it was breath-taking.
[278 Characters]

By Hélène at Willow Poetry:
Life Sentence
Their son’s court appearance was being held today.
His crime, killing his younger brother.
The brothers were ignorant of the fact they both had the same girlfriend.
The son found his brother in bed with her.
It’s the girlfriend he should have killed, not his brother.
272 (characters)

By Anurag at Jagadilmein:
Done and Dusted
“Are you sure this is the last one?” she asked.
He replied, “Yes, we’ve finished off all the rest.”
She sighed in relief, and taking off her bag, kept it by the wall.
And then, both of them calmly walked out. The eyesore called McDonald’s was about to become history in Italy.
277 characters.

By Ron at Read 4 Fun:
Senior Woes
Everything needed was in the bags. Fake weapons, but the surprise of meeting senior citizen robbers would surprise the tellers. Insurance premiums paid their entire life didn’t cover Sally’s operation. If they got away, fine. If not, jail care is better than no care.
( 266 characters)

By Hayley at The Story Files:
It was a photo everyone always laughed over. Those old cameras creating ‘ghost’ images when the button was pressed too fast. There was more to it though because the girls in the background, my cousins, had been long dead before the printed date on the back said.

By Deb at Twenty Four:
Now I say why the hell not, but at the time I was astounded, it was just so unexpected.
Anyway, this was the beginning and from here it only escalated, so did we expect to become international models? No, but Oprah we are and that what counts.
(243 characters)

By Radhika at Radhika’s Reflection:
Sam & Tia were madly in love in their younger days. As time went by, busy schedules at work kept them away from each other, and they drifted apart.
Tia’s medical diagnosis, brought them back together, to relive their old love for the last few months of her life!
Letter count : 277

By Lady Lee at Lady Lee Manila:
The Bucket List
The sun is bright, we see the world
We danced and whirled
Our astral view
What we’ve been through
Music we hear, balm for our soul
As we stroll
Sharing ice-cream
Down the stream
Together in our hearts and mind
We’re not blind
With eyes we see
Love is the key*
(247 characters)

By Ponnmani at The Swan Song:
Still the Same
Their fingers got interlocked.
“Jen,I presume we were 9”
“The first time I held your hand,it’s special”
She stared.
“Yes,for it’s the first memory you’ve regained”
Tears raced down.
“The magic in your stare,is still the same”, Jack winked.
Only he can make her smile with tears.
Letter count : 278

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
Their twin grandchildren walked everywhere with them, always a few paces in front. 
The gap increased each year that passed.
Their daughter, and her husband, had been killed outright in a head on crash 8 months into her pregnancy.
The first responder wept as she declared all 4 dead.
(280 characters)

By Kirst at Kirst Writes:
Happy Couple
He’s been a wonderful husband. Devoted, romantic. Our lives have been full, with the business and the foreign travel.
He said children would be a burden. Aren’t I enough for you? he would tease, gripping my hand. I gave in, of course. Took the pills. Sometimes, though, I dream…
(278 characters)

By J.A. at Keyhole Poetry:
To Be Free
Could have been us…
50 years, maybe you’d
Have figured out I wasn’t
Extension of you, but separate
And not your slave
You lacked interest in learning me
Healthy love was foreign language
Too broken, no strength to wait
For ‘maybe things will change’
I can’t even envy old couples I see.

By John at Broadsides:
You need a sturdy tripod. A large format camera, 55mm lens, aperture set at f22 to ensure pin sharp focus across the image. Fill in flash at the end of the exposure will help. As to time exposure, you should experiment a little, use a few plates. As a guideline, the timing on this image was 45 years.

By J.P. at Wide-Eyed Wanderer
The Poetry of Us
There is a poem
I’ve always wanted to write
but I never found the words
until now
the beauty of life
and love
in a single piece
of flawless poetry
in four words
You and Me

By Indhu at Always:
If Only…
He held her hand tight and gave a beaming smile as they stood in their favorite place. Their childhood friendship blew into a beautiful romance and 63 years have gone by since they met. 
Her face was blank. His heart ached as her Alzheimer’s has eaten her most cherished memory! 
<279 characters>

Wonderful Roundup this week. Your tales were all so unique. Thank you to everyone who participated. For this week’s photo, I found this gem at Pixabay by a photographer named Skeeze. Winter is here. We have a forecast of snow for later this week. I do love to look at it as long as I don’t have anywhere to be. And I imagine the presence of this fellow might give me pause. What is the story of this lone wolf. It could be a metaphorical tale…or it could be the actual tale of this particular wolf. Have fun with it. I’m hoping to be snowed in for a few days. I’ve got fixings for potato soup and cheddar biscuits. Maybe this fellow below is coming over for dinner! haha! See you at the round up! 

Twittering Tales #113 – 4 December 2018 – Lone Wolf

Photo by Skeeze at

“He just stands there, Sheriff.”
“That’s Skip. Ned raised him from a pup. He owned this place ‘fore you all.”
“He’s tame?”
“Got along with Ned. I’ll call the ranger.”
“Wait. Hey Skip!” the wife called. He raced to them, tail wagging. “Guess he just needed an invitation,” she beamed.

279 Characters
(Sorry for the early post. The new WP platform was a bit of a challenge. I am not an early fan. I suppose it’s going to take a lot of practice!)

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