Tea for One

‘Where time is drowned in odour-laden winds

And Druid moons, and murmuring of boughs,’ – W.B. Yeats

Tea for One

misty streams of sweetened jasmine
encircling my sleepy head
echoes of our conversations
misty streams of sweetened jasmine
memory’s a poor companion
i wish that you were here instead
misty streams of sweetened jasmine
encircling my sleepy head


A triolet for Jane Dougherty’s A Month with Yeats – Day Eleven inspired by the excerpt above from ‘The Harp of Aengus’ by W.B. Yeats.

This verse brought to mind the ways that certain scents can rouse memories. I have a dear friend who lives far away, but everytime I have a cup of jasmine tea, a favorite we shared, I think of her. in thise moments, time stands still and I am transported by memories of the many conversations❤️ we had over a cup of tea. ❤️

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