a little rain

a little rain might make you think
your dreams are clinging on the brink
raindrops are like tears
those things you hold dear
become clear
when you blink


In my walk this morning I happened upon this rain battered dandelion…and it made me think. I think it’s safe to say that the Muse is alive and well here in the Bramlett Mountain foothills.

Keeping on form…a Clogyrnach poem seemed a good idea. (is it just me or does the rhyme and meter of the Clogyrnach feel very much like a limerick with the last line split into two? just a thought 😉)

Clogyrnach Poems

This Welsh poetic form is typically a six-line syllabic stanza with an ab rhyme scheme:

Line 1: 8 syllables with an a rhyme
Line 2: 8 syllables with an a rhyme
Line 3: 5 syllables with a b rhyme
Line 4: 5 syllables with a b rhyme
Line 5: 3 syllables with a b rhyme
Line 6: 3 syllables with an a rhyme

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