Kimo Days 28 & 29

Frankie, the keeper, settling in nicely!

Catching up from a busy weekend…two kimos, totally unrelated…hope you’re having a great Monday!

Kimo Day 28

a conversation overheard tickles
the ears, creating voyeurs
armed with poison secrets

Kimo Day 29

somewhere between the dawn and blackest night
we forget love fashioned us
we forget who we are


Kimo poems are an Israeli version of haikqApparently, there was a need for more syllables in Hebrew. That said, most of the rules are still familiar:
• 3 lines.
• No rhymes.
• 10 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, and 6 in the third.

Also, the kimo is focused on a single frozen image (kind of like a snapshot). So it’s uncommon to have any movement happening in kimo poems.

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