Twittering Tales #145 – 16 July 2019

Twittering Tales

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. This is important as I have noticed that some of the ping backs have not been working. If you would prefer to post your tale in the comments (some people have very specific blog themes but still want to participate), I am happy to post a link to your site when I post your tale in the Round Up.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

Twittering Tales #144 -The Roundup


Photo by Lisa Fotios @

Starting us off…

The Reunion
“I heard Mr. Murdoch left teaching after we graduated.”
“He was creepy.”
“You’re telling me! Remember his tutoring sessions?”
“I don’t remember either. You had tutoring sessions with him?”
“If you want call it that…”
“Oh my god, Sue!”
“Well I heard he’s a congressman now…”
280 Characters
Disclaimer: Murdoch is a fictitious name lest my little tale start any rumors!

By Deepa at SyncWithDeep:
Food Coma
for a
as usual
out late!

By Willow at WillowDot21:
The Top Set.

We end up in the kitchen, we always did. The magnificent seven they called us, sorting out the ills of the world. Back then we were going to change the world. Everyone thought we had it made.Look at us now we couldn’t even change alight bulb! Where did all the fight go.
(277 Characters)

By The Dark Netizen:
I’m the only one against the idea.
Everyone else seemed okay with it. We wait in the kitchen while the two sort out their differences outside. I’m unsure about leaving the two unsupervised. With them things tend to fly out of proportion.
Thank God, this party has a no-guns theme…
Character Count: 280

By Kristian at Tales of from the Mind of Kristian:
The After Party
As they stood in the kitchen, they let the wine flow, celebrating a murder well executed.
The body of their old orphanage matron, called The Dragon, had been a sight to behold.
Tom noticed Tee-An. She wasn’t happy. She’ll give the game away. She’d have to be the next to go.
[275 Characters]

By Tien at From the Window Seat:
Secret Recipe
“Really, that’s my salad’s recipe!”
“Oh, you expect us to believe that? Fried baby toes and fingers?” she sipped an aged man’s blood. AB negative, her favourite.
“Fine. Also, some virgin women’s skin flakes.”
The human-like demons in the room nodded at the revelation of her words.
(278 characters)

By Graham at Graham is Just My Name:
There were savoury biscuits, fresh crusty bread and smelly cheeses but in reality it was always about the wine.
Martine always wanted vintage red.
As long as she was happy to provide it, we didn’t really care.
We were selfish bitches and we had never really warmed to her anyway.
(276 chars)

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
The Party
Congratulations. Bob told me that you’re pregnant.
He told you? Dammit, I asked him not to say anything yet.
You know, sweetie, you shouldn’t be drinking wine in your condition.
My condition? OMG, sweetie, mind your own fucking business.
Things at the party went downhill from there.
(279 characters)

By Tina at Tina Stewart Brakebill:
Together Alone
outside looking in
watching you through downcast eyes
forever fearing

By Lorraine at Lorraine’s Frilly Freudian Slip:
A Vintage Year
We gathered in the kitchen for the ritual uncorking.
Vlad’s wine tasting parties always intrigued me.
Colour a deep-vein red, bouquet lush.
Vlad raised his glass:
“To vino di sangue! This bottle has been in my family for centuries.”
I let the rim of the glass brush my lips . . .

By Rekha at billionbougainvilleas:
Nothing changed.
Leah’s projects consumed her, bored us. Claire the Considerate heard her out with a halo.
Grace looked combative. I looked down hoping gravity lowered anxiety.
Jason wouldn’t ask about Riham but his eyes did.
The house bell chimed.
Riham. With some Nathaniel…
Jason suddenly turned into the life of the party.
I wanted Leah back…
Word count: 285

By Larry at East Elmhurst A Go Go:
Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, Me
I was recently visiting kin in Pennsylvania. Everyone’s spoken for except me, so inevitably boy, girl, boy, girl, me. It’s weird because I’ve always been allergic to odd numbers. I’m such a fab guy so there must be a girl for me. Until I meet her I’m happy this way.
(270 characters)

By Lisa at Tao Talk:
It was Gin’s turn to make dinner for the club. The entree was almost done as they chatted in the kitchen. It was more than chatter. The other six had planned the intervention for Gin, who drank too much, for weeks. She listened and smiled, thinking of the rum cake dessert.
[278 characters]

By Di at Pensitivity101:
They had been friends since college, and as Zoe raised the glass to her lips, Dianne turned on her.
‘How long have you been having an affair with my husband?’
Tom poured the wine into the salad and hoped nobody noticed Dan’s face turn white.
239 characters

By Pratibha at Prat’s Corner:
They were lost in the conversation, whatever, or whoever, it was about.
He was curious to know, but he knew better than to ask.
He had learned this part of hanging out with the ladies from early on – He was good to be passed the secret recipes, but not other’s secrets. Not yet.

By Tessa at Tessa Can Do It!:
The Getaway!
“The kid doesn’t know anything,” the cop said. “How about the parents.”
“Joey come on, we have to go now. Daddy has the car ready,” Linda said quietly.
While the doctor was talking to the cops, Linda and Joey left. Hopping into the VW they roared off to safety at Nan’s place.
275 character

By John at The Magic Shoppe:
Waiting for that Taste
There was a reason the five of them felt anxious in the kitchen. The moment that they  planned was now here. They had all previously agreed that Kara had to go. Her infidelities and lies towards them had to stop. The five of them waited as the poisoned glass touched Kara’s lips.
(280 characters)

By John at BroadsidesDotMe:
The Unwanted Guest
“I say old bean, it was a bit much you know, murdering a dinner guest simply because they were vegan.”
“Oh, don’t be silly Billy, she brought a lovely bottle of burgundy and now there’ll be a lot more pudding to go round”

By Reena at ReInventions:
You Better Pay
“I met three more hypocrites today. What is the world coming to?”
“Not much … except that certain people are minting money out of these so-called networking meets.”
“I would like to host the next one, and make these b….s pay for the crap I had to endure.”
(253 characters)

By Kitty at Kitty’s Verses:
That Day
The generous helping of olives reminded Alex of Sue.
Did he feel a gentle tap on his shoulder now? Her affirmation?
Heart attack, the medical reports had concluded.
That fateful morning too, like any other, both of them had gone for their rounds of jogging.
Back-stabbed, was she?
276 characters

By Enzo at Travel, Good Food, Arts and More:
Old Friends
Nelly organised a quick buffet dinner for her friends who wanted to gather and arrange for their outing to Brighton over the weekend. They really enjoyed each other’s company and a bit of group trekking, their unique strong bond as mates needed further nurturing, what a treasure!
(280 characters)

By Kelley at AuthorAnonBlog:
Just a Quiet Dinner Party
Jenny wandered into the kitchen, shielding her eyes against the lights.
Pasta clung to the walls.
Chunks of half melted cheese hung from the ceiling.
Tomato soup pooled on the floor.
The salad sat patiently in the bowl.
And where were her friends?
So much for a quiet dinner party

By Linda at Charmed Chaos:
About Last Night
“Brit, we need to talk.”
Crossing her arms, she said, “Okay, what?”
“Do you remember last night?”
“I got roaring drunk and said some nasty things, so what?”
“Well, we worry about you so… this is an intervention.”
“Seriously? You brought 3 bottles of wine to an intervention?”
Character Count: 280

By Deb at Twenty Four:
When territorial middle aged ladies assemble it can signify trouble, for they may pointedly ignore outsiders to the point of refusing to acknowledge when an unwanted guest has died.
It is recommended that guests should not attend alone but bring others versed in basic first aid.

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
Party in perpetuity
Same house,
same party,
same day,
same time.
Every year!
Same laughs,
same jokes,
same lives,
same folks.
Very queer!
Same food,
same plates,
same drinks,
same mates.
Full of cheer!
Not the same,
we died that day,
we come forlorn,
and not to play,
shed a tear!
(247 characters)

By JP at JP the Wide-Eyed Wanderer:
Wine and Gossip
Gossip flowed more freely than wine amongst the friends.
“So what’s up with Ted and Sue?”
“She left him”
“Oh too bad.”
“That’s not all, he claims she cursed him, he can’t perform at all now.”
As tittering laughter filled the air, Sue walked in. “Never mess with a witch,” she smiled.
character count 278

By Hayley at The Story Files:
The Party
The engagement party was in full swing and Ren couldn’t be happier. She grabbed a bottle of wine, popped it up and poured the thick, red liquid into a glass.
‘Stop!’ her sister cried.
‘That’s the rare vintage from great-great-grandpa’s vineyard!’
‘Oh! Too late…’

By Rob at Art by Rob Goldstein:
Young Again – The Supper Club
The young friends enjoyed a lavish dinner; then retired to the kitchen to pick at leftovers and laugh about old times. Before they parted, they made a toast to the future and to long and healthy lives. None of them felt the wormhole take them as they ate; none of them remembered the nursing home.
253 Characters

By Sadje at Keep It Alive:
Cindy was excited because it was the first get together of friends at her new apartment. The food was served informally in the kitchen, yummy food and lots of wine. The conversation was flowing smoothly till Kevin said those unpardonable words. “Have you gain weight, Cindy?”
Character count: 274

Sooooo good y’all! I loved your tales last week. Welcome aboard if you’re new to the challenge! For this week, this interesting photo by Zoë Pappas at What’s happening here? Is it an interview, a business deal or maybe it’s an attorney reading old Uncle Henry’s will! I’ll let you figure it out in 280 characters or less. See you at next week’s roundup! Have fun!

Twittering Tales #145 – 16 July 2019

Photo by Zoë Pappas at

The Deal

“So, Norman. Do we have a deal?”

“Let me get this straight. All’s I need to do is vote for your guy, an’ I get the cash?”

“That’s right.”

“OK! Where do I sign?”

“Right here.”

“Quickest cash I ever made.”

“Now about your soul…”

“My what?! Wait a…”

“Fine print Norman, fine print.”


276 Characters

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