Twittering Tales #138 – 28 May 2019

Twittering Tales
About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. This is important as I have noticed that some of the ping backs have not been working. If you would prefer to post your tale in the comments (some people have very specific blog themes but still want to participate), I am happy to post a link to your site when I post your tale in the Round Up.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

Twittering Tales #137 -The Roundup


Photo by

Define Emergency
“911, what is your emergency?”
“I’m alone.”
“That’s not an emergency, ma’am.”
“Someone’s outside.”
“Are you in danger? What’s your address? I can send…
“Ma’am?! Please! Tell me your address!!!”
(Male voice) “Heaven maybe…or hell. Muhaha! Have a nice day. Bub-bye.”
279 Characters

By Neel at Neel Writes Blog:
Bad Timing
Nothing augured well.
Not the broken window glass.
Not the fact that hubby dear lay still on the floor.
And why did the housemaid decide to take ‘ill’ today of all days?
Now, who’s going to clean up the place before I report an ‘accidental death’?
(260 characters)

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
Why Did He Lie?
The policeman examined the door and knew the homeowner had lied. He told him that someone broke the glass from the outside to get into the house. If that were the case, the broken glass would have been inside the house, not on the ground outside. He’s hiding something. But what?
(279 characters)

By Reena at ReInventions:
Breaking Point
Where do you think is the breaking point? When we crack up with internal explosions, but shards of glass do not fly out…. are we still whole?
We plan it like a fight master on a movie set, etching lines on glass before the shoot. If the fight looks made up, it doesn’t hurt others.

By Hayley at The Story Files:
Fred arrived at work to see broken glass and a spider web crack across the door. Someone had tried to break into the Pawn Shop again but this time they hadn’t got in.
Opening the door, the large German Shepard dog came out to greet him. It was the best thing he’d ever been pawned.

By Ron at Read 4 Fun:
Stay Home and Save
Someone always had to be home; neighborhood crime was serious. I work all day; she took the kids and left for a time-out. I changed the locks. Each morning, I set the shotgun trap. She decided to return home early with keys that no longer worked. Looks like a permanent time-out.

By Tien at From The Window Seat:
Unwanted Attention
Jenny desired spotlight so she staged a break-in, the broken glass door as evidence; the neighbours only wondered who the man in Jenny’s house was.
He looked right at home though.
If only the second floor’s window was broken too, everyone would see a corpse skewered to the walls.
(278 characters)

By Larry at East Elmhurst A Go Go:
The Catch
“Life is a series of one door’s opening and another’s closing,” Josephine told Jeanine, the pretty therapist. “I’m glad you understand that,” Jeanine said. ” That’s a perfect image for how things work.” “Although, of course,” Josephine went on, “There’s often more to it.”

By Di at Pensitivity101:
To most, it looked like a cracked window.
But look closer……….
is someone choking another, or stealing a bag of swag?
120 characters

By Lisa at Tao Talk:
Last Laugh
Ed laughed at her for the last time. De took Ed’s biting humor before the fall that made her quad; afterwards, it was ravenous. De pleaded with him to stop; it only made him worse. De’s mind began to bend. When it snapped, her telekinesis was born. Ed’s head met the window.
[278 characters]

By Tessa at Tessa Can Do It!:
Ron and Linda pulled up to their home and noticed that their front door had broken glass around the lock.
As they walked towards the door, they got out their cell phone to call the police. There was a sudden whoosh and the house went up in flames.
“Oh my God,” Linda shrieked.
276 characters

By Kristian at Tales from the Mind of Kristian:
Broken Empathy
Her instinct told her something was wrong. Then she saw the white powdered glass, like snow that glittered on the path, then the broken window.
What hurt most was the message written in ink across her white kitchen tiles that showed a lack of empathy.
“Thanks for the hospitality”.
[280 Characters]

By Sadje at Keep it Alive:
Don’t Propogate Hate
There is no explanation for hate. Just because someone is not like you in appearance, color or religion you don’t have to hate them. But who will tell this to all these people charged by the latest rise in racial and religious discrimination? The glass had been broken by a stone.
Character count =280

By Graham at Graham is Just My Name:
Those that survived named it the Bullet Spider (Bulla Araneae), a mutant species; a consequence of the fifth great nuclear incident.
It had a voracious appetite for Silica.
No window was safe.
Then it invited its spidery companion the Humanis Carnivoris Araneae.
In colossal numbers.
(279 chars)

By Willow at WillowDot21:
Heaven’s Door
The Big Guy asked “Where’s Peter he’s the key holder”Silence reined Gabriel shuffled his feet, Micheal began to hum.
Azriel said “Lucifer told me to give Peter a drink”Peter’s snores sang out from inside.”Who broke the glass” asked the Big Guy.
Satan’s laugh rang around heaven.
(276 Characters)

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
Our Scpider.
We called her SC!
She was the most untidy spider we’d ever encountered.
Each time we cleared up the web, she built it in exactly the same place, and to exactly the same design. A really messy affair it was.
But why on earth did she leave a hole shaped like the map of South Carolina?
(280 characters)

By Lorraine at Lorraine’s Frilly Freudian Slip:
Pastiche: A Curious Incident
It hinges, Lestrade, on a curious incident.[SH]
Please, Holmes. Not that dog in the night-time again.[IL]
No, this time it is the cat.[SH]
Cat burglar?[DW]
No, Watson. Merely a cat.[SH]
Good God, Holmes. A murdering meerkat?[DW]
[Sigh]None but a simple feline.[SH]
Kat is a felon?[IL]
{279 characters. Phew.}
SH = Sherlock Holmes
IL= Inspector Lestrade
DW = Doctor Watson

By Anurag at Jagahdilmein:
The Sins of the Son
The woman at the door said in an accusing tone, “Your son broke our window!”
Enraged, I asked, “On what basis are you blaming my son?”
“Well,” replied the man, “because the window belonged to our spaceship. We would’ve brought your hammer along, but we couldn’t lift it, Mr. Thor.”
279 characters.

By JP at JP the Wide-Eyed Wanderer:
The window shattered on impact, a web of jagged fractures. The fairies were trapped in globes, tired, barely glowing. With a burst of angry magic, Star shattered the tiny prisons.
character count 179

By Deb at Twenty Four:
They told him to get a hobby, that is was good to keep the mind active, that it would expand his social circle.
It wasn’t his fault that he was arrested practicing his lock picking, but on the plus side he did meet a really nice biker who liked to do macrame on the weekends.

By Rob at Art by Rob Goldstein:
This festival of self-loathing,
this tawdry hatred,
this contempt:
broken genius shatters
trust, self-destructs,
and dies forgotten.

Well done everyone! Thank you for joining the challenge! For this week’s challenge, a film strip of photo negatives. What is hidden here? The clue to a mystery? Evidence of a crime…or maybe a mystery person revealed? Have fun telling your tale and I’ll see you at

Twittering Tales #138 – 28 May 2019


Photo by Moritz 320 at

A Break in the Case

“You’re gonna want to see these Brad. I had the lab develop prints from the camera we found at the crime scene.”
“Do we have a suspect?”
“No, nothing like that. Look at this beauty. A ’64 Mustang. Do you think the paint job is original? ”


236 Characters






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