Twittering Tales #129 – 26 March 2019

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. If you would prefer to post your tale in the comments (some people have very specific blog themes but still want to participate), I am happy to post a link to your site when I post your tale in the Round Up.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tale…and a week to do it. I can’t wait to see what you create this week.

Twittering Tale #128 – The Roundup

Starting us off…
They Call Me Yoda
I was joking when I said, I wanted to come back as one of their dogs. Didn’t think I’d be dying so soon. 
Now, here I am, a pug! I couldn’t be a Shepherd or a Rottweiler? 
Anyhow, they call me Yoda. And they do treat me good. You might not believe it, but this is my happy face.
277 Characters

By MSJadeli at Tao Talk
Please Tell Me Why
When Dr. Jekyll asked my two-legged if I wanted to be part of a cutting-edge animal research experiment, why, oh why, did she agree. They put me in one pod and the octopus in the other, linked the pods, and flipped the switch. Now look at me. I’ll never play fetch again. You should see him!
[292 characters]

By The Dark Netizen:
Humans are not a very smart species.
My hooman however, is not your average human. She’s way less smart. Don’t mistake me. She’s a lovely person and loves me a lot. But not the brightest bulb.
She keeps the air conditioning so low sometimes. I need to wrap myself up in a blanket…
Character Count: 280

By Reena at ReInventions:
Warmth has a new meaning since you entered my life. I worry seeing the wrinkled lines of tension on your face, and then realize that you are happy…. Why am I being a fool? I’ve never loved anyone as much.
You are the blanket of emotional security that covers me…. I hope, forever.(279 characters)

By Kate at Everywhere and Nowhere:
On Guard
My humans keep telling me how cute I am but I’m not really listening. Instead I am watching the human with the black box that keeps setting off a blinky light, anytime I move I am put back in this position and given a treat, seems suspicious.
Must not fall asleep, must stay alert.
Characters: 280

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
Pug in a Towel
They said he’d been traumatized before he was dropped off at the shelter wrapped in a towel.
They said he would need patience and understanding from a loving family.
They said it would take some time.
They didn’t say he’d wrap himself in that old towel and whimper all the time.
(278 characters)

By Kristian at Tales from the Mind of Kristian:
Pugs in Blankets
She wrapped him in a tassel blanket and gave a laugh.
She took the picture and added it to her dating profile labelled ‘Pugs in Blankets’.
Her Pug thought “Silly girl! Take me for a walk and I’ll find the perfect guy. You can tell the best humans by the way they treat their dogs.”
[280 Characters]

By Hayley at The Story Files:
Pug Face
Back from a quick lunchtime walk, both my pug and I were soaked to the bone. We stood shivering in the hallway, wondering why we had risked going outside in monsoon style weather.
Grabbing towels, I wrapped us both up and saw my pug’s face saying it all.

By Teresa at The Haunted Wordsmith:
What Did You Do?
I tried to be careful. I did. Accidents will happen though. I didn’t think it would look as bad as it did after it dried. Instead of a small spot, it was now a blot on her favorite shawl. Her keys turned in the bolt. Quick hide! Look cute! Look sad! Look apologetic! I’m sorry!
277 characters

By Ron at Read 4 Fun:
Going to the Dogs
All I needed was an heir to the Throne. Eleanor birthed Mary, a girl. To her castle! Anne gave me a girl. To the block! I’ve heard the country is going to the dogs and I’ve been accused of going to extremes. But this one looks the best of the litter. We’ll work on the coronation.
280 characters

By Di at Pensitivity101: (It’s a record!)
Pug in a Blanket
Well it worked for E.T!
23 characters

By Willow at WillowDot21:
Pug in a Blanket
Azriel was missing, Mike and Gabe had searched hi and low to no avail.Satan was enjoying watching them.The Big Man had located him. Sitting on the bed at flat 23, swaddled in a blanket. OMG she’s cute Dave I love her so much. Azriel cringed at the word she. Satan was having fun.
(280 Characters)

By Sadje at Keep It Alive:
Pug in a Blanket
First day is always the toughest. He won’t settle down and won’t stop uttering the tiny whines. I gave him a cuddle and a hug, a treat to make him happy. In the end I realized that he just wants to cuddle in a blanket on my bed.
Character count; 229

By Anita at For the Love Of:
Pug-amus Wisdom
Come one, come all as I tell you a tale
Of wisdom I gathered though I am frail
One concerning my masters who throw me in the cold
To do my business, good grief this really gets old
Will spring or warmth ever show their bright side?
I think not as I snuggle with blanky deep inside

By Tessa at Tessa Can Do It!:
It seemed like a pile of dirty rags just lying there on her bed. Samantha stared. It hadn’t been there this morning. Unsure what it was exactly, she was surprised when it not only moved, but a cry sounded within. She jumped back expecting a rat. Instead it was a cute pug.
272 characters

By Anurag at Jagahdilmein:
Give Me Red
I wrap myself in Grandma’s favourite blanket and wait.
I can still smell her sweet scent on it. She’d been so loving, so caring, so… tasty. 
I just hope little Red Riding Hood has taken after her.
198 characters.

By Daisy at FreshDaisiesDotMe:
You’re (a) Love Gift
You’re the evening soft and velvety
You’re the morning peachy and fuchsia
You’re the moment that’s relieved and blessed
You’re the love that’s pure and virgin
You’re a pug snug in the rug
A love gift wrapped in fur

By Deb at Twenty Four:
When she’d heard the news she’d been so excited, for it was one of her favourite movies and she’d been thrilled when she won tickets to the premiere.
It was only after she’d taken her seat that she wondered why so few were attending.
The opening credits explained it all – E-Pug.
(277 characters)

By Linda at Charmed Chaos:
Unconditional Love
When I was a human I was unloved and unwanted. On my deathbed, I made a wish; to come back as a dog. And it happened, here I am wrapped in a blanket, loved beyond reason. You want to know what’s funny? As a human I never knew you had to love unconditionally in order to be loved.

By JPP at JP the Wide-eyed Wanderer:
Sandworm of Arrakis
So, this is it. I work my tail off to get into field work. Eight years as a Class 1 senior MIB agent and THIS is the disguise I get? Freakin’ Annelids. I’ll get those stupid worm guys if it’s the last things I do. I’ll teach them not to dress ME up like an Arraki Sandworm.
character count 277

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
You think this is funny?
Ah, I want one just like that?
Well, let me tell you matey, this ain’t any of the above.
It is agony!
I have an itch on my nose that I cannot scratch, AND I’m bursting for a pee.
The minute I get out of here I’m going to pee in every shoe I can find!
(280 characters)

By John at Broadsides:
I have loads of fronds who all like me, on Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Tumblr, Snapchat, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, but most of all I have a human friend who likes me and takes me for walks.

By Lorraine at Lorraine’s Frilly Freudian Slip:
I’m in hiding. Disguised as a lumpy blanket. On an unmade bed.
A Kat plans to pugnap me. Force me to be an internet influencer. A YouTube Yahoo.
So, I’m incognito til Twittering Tale #130.
If you don’t cat me out, it’s worth a kilo of kibble.
Yawn. Going under-the-radar-sheets.
(279 characters)
*pug in peril

Thank you everyone for participating in Twittering Tales last week. It was such a cute photo. I couldn’t resist. And you did not disappoint. I loved your tales. For this week, an interesting photo by Tony Dinh at What is the story here? This is a real place in Sydney Australia called “Angel Place.” Look it up if you need some inspiration. I trust you will come up with some fantastic tweets! Take a week to simmer on it if you like. You have 280 characters to tell your tale. And I’ll see you at the round up!

Twittering Tales #129 – 26 March 2019

Canary Test Fail

“Poor bastards. They thought those damn birds would save ‘em.”

“Let’s just do what we came here for.” Agent Shultz sighed, as he tugged at one of the cages.

The chemical attack had been swift. The birds died instantly, and along with them, the people who placed their hope in them.


279 Characters

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