Sunday’s Week in Reverse – 3 February 2019

On this eve of the new moon in Aquarius you may find yourself drawn to consider your dreams in a new light. What’s more this new moon is joined by the close proximity of Neptune (creativity and dreams) and Saturn (reality). I’m not an astrological expert, but I do think it is high time we all take another good hard look at our deepest dreams. Especially now that most of us have likely gotten over our shallow new year’s resolutions. Admit it. You may have already cheated a few times on your diet goals or excused your way out of those daily trips to the gym. Don’t beat yourself up about it. The prime element often missing from these yearly aspirations is passion and heart. Only a long-held dream has these components. Think about it. Dreams are unavoidable. They linger year after year. You can’t shake them. But life, duty, survival causes us to pack them away. They become what ifs instead of why nots.

According to the stargazing community this is your moment to unpack those dismissed dreams of yours, dust them off, and consider ways you can begin to realize them. If your dream is to become a best selling author, maybe it’s time for you to finish writing that book. Baby steps. Make a plan. Devote time to your goal. You may not become world famous, or make the top ten bestseller’s list. But your words have the potential to touch another person’s heart and souls. Even one connection can change the world. So just do it. You know you want to.

Tomorrow is the Aquarius New Moon. Whether or not you believe in this sort of thing, there is no time like this present moment to open yourself to every possibility this life has to offer; to take a second look at those dreams of yours and consider realizing them. Pull out all the stops. Time’s a wastin’.

Sunday’s Week in Reverse – 3 February 2019

when I was young and gullible
here, sheltered from the frigid wind
…she’d say with a wink
just do it, because you’re worth it
save yourselves a tempest’s coming
let us see past our differences,
inspiration from the muse
emulating her mother
boughs are greening
with a thousand stars
how softly she embraces
all hope in the dream
this one is a keeper


A ReVerse poem is a summary poem with a single line lifted from each entry of a collection of work over a particular timeframe and re-penned in chronological order as a new poem. Unlike a collaborative poem, the ReVerse features the words of one writer, providing a glimpse into their thoughts over time. I use it as a review of the previous week.

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