Twittering Tales #121 – 29 January 2019

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. If you would prefer to post your tale in the comments (some people have very specific blog themes but still want to participate), I am happy to post a link to your site when I post your tale in the Round Up.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tale…and a week to do it. I can’t wait to see what you create this week.

Twittering Tale #120 – The Roundup

Photo by Juan Pablo at

Starting us off:
It was Lilah’s spot; the window overlooking 3rd and Main. 
“You can set your clock by her,” said one barista. “Yep…8:15 am.” 
She’d order a coffee, black, and watch the city come to life. And wait to catch a glimpse of him. 
One day she’d get the courage to say hello. One day.
276 Characters

By The Dark Netizen:
I look out of the window and watch the busy world.
I see how they enjoy. Their interactions look fun. Their conversations, fights, romances, even their simple hellos.
I wish I could have all of that. I miss it tremendously. It tends to get lonely.
Here, in this mirror dimension…
Character Count: 279

By Deepa at Sync With Deep:
somewhere between
fighting for
the window seat
and willingly swapping 
the window seat
for a aisle seat
we all grew up… 

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
Lost in Thought
She was sitting inside, staring off into space, lost in thought.
I stood outside looking in at her. She seemed not to notice me.
I used my phone to take a picture of her.
I knocked on the glass, held up my phone, and showed her the screen.
She smiled and waved at me to come inside.
(280 characters)

By Reena at ReInventions:
The face pressed against the glass is an inspiration. I admire it each time I pass through the street. I am moved by the haunting smile and eyes.
The artist has done a great job. I would like to do something similar, if the muse is as good as her 😊
(247 characters)

By Kristian at Tales from the Mind of Kristian:
A Face in the Window
She was just a face in the window.
She was always there when he passed at 8:15 on his way to work.
He often thought she was looking at him, but whenever he came close, she looked away.
The sight of her face always cheered him up.
One day he’d get the courage to go in and say hello.
[280 Characters]

By Di at Pensitivity101:
It had all started here, in this place, at this table.
His arrival with the tray broke her reverie.
‘You remembering too?’ he asked.
She smiled and looked at the ring on her finger.
‘Tea for two, but last time the ring was in a box with the scones.’
245 characters

By Teresa at The Haunted Wordsmith:
They were there again, by the community garden entrance. She was laughing and he was smiling. I couldn’t help but smile too as next week that would be me with him. Once she was gone, he would see I was truly the only one for him. I pay my bill and giggle as I begin phase two.

By Radhika at Radhika’s Reflection:
A Girl by the Window
Her debut novel ‘ A girl by the window’ catapulted Kaira from an unknown girl to a celebrity novelist. Now signing autographed copies of her book, her mind drifted back to the days when she sat by the coffee shop window observing people, where the idea of the novel was conceived.
Letter count: 280

By Joe at The Diary of a Country Bumpkin:
She was looking out of the window, what she was thinking, she looked wistful and I passed by without further thought. It was only later that I saw her photo on Facebook, when her friends had reported her suicide. I never knew her but I shall never forget, the girl in the window.

By Melanie at Sparks From a Combustible Mind:
Sarah stared out the window.  They had met on the subway.  She’d noticed his green eyes.  He caught her looking at him, and smiled.  They agreed to meet at this coffee shop, but it looked like he wouldn’t show.  No problem.  The fantasy was probably better than the real thing.   
(character count 277)

By Willow at WillowDot21:
Queen of the Road
Soon, she told herself, I will escape. She’d got her HGV licence two weeks ago. She was longing to tell her awful boss to stick his job, to sick his slimy hands and leud suggestions.
As soon as she got the result of her interview. She’d walk out of here and be Queen of the Road.
(278 Characters)

By Michael at Morpethroad:
She travelled expectant he would show.
Giddy with anticipation
She looked for the pink cravat, his telltale sign.
She remembered their correspondence, his wit and funny idiosyncrasies.
Around her people came and went.
Along the bar was a pink cravat.
Devastated she knew what it meant.
(279 characters)

By John at The Magic Shop:
How much longer would she have to wait for her damn western omelette? A few cracked eggs, simple job. She looks out at the bagel place, wishing she had chosen them this morning. Thirty minute felt like an eternity, when that insatiable breakfast hunger controlled your destiny.
279 characters

By Anurag at Jagahdilmein:
New Beginnings
She saw him come down the street and her face lit up. He’d never let her down, she just knew it.
He came in and they kissed eagerly.
“Are you ready?” he whispered.
She just nodded.“Then come, let’s rob ourselves a bank,” Clyde said as he took Bonnie’s hand and led her out.
272 characters.

By Ron at Read4Fun:
Returned Soles
Ivy and Jairhead loved the National Games. Yesterday the King shut down the games to save money for his Palace Towers. The entire team protested, throwing their shoes in a pile. Jairhead rescued Ivy’s shoes from the mess. He remembered her size. Her ugly family would be pissed.
279 characters

By Sadje at Keep It Alive:
She has big dreams
Dreams of success
Dreams of a deep love
Dreams of meeting
The perfect guy one day
Meanwhile she is sitting
Here and waiting
Her eyes are searching
Her mind is calculating
The time it’s going to take
To get her second cup of latte
Character count #250

By Ponnz at The Swan Song:
Song of Love
Dancing coffee steams
Gentle light of dozing sun
Escorted his way along
With her eyes and heart
A love unrequited, at once
A tommorow she longed for
To feel again, song of love
in the tunes of her heart
Character count: 195

By Hayley at The Story Files:
People Watching
When inspiration didn’t come for her novels, Darcy would go to Corner Cafe and people watch whilst she sipped a latte. Sometimes little dramas would play out which Darcy could use and other times just daydreaming about the lives around her helped.

By JP at The Wide-Eyed Wanderer:
Dreams of Spring
I wonder what tomorrow holds
sunshine fair or winds so cold?
Will the sky be blue and sun be bright
or will dark clouds rain til comes the night?
I wonder what the day will bring
will squirrels play and robins sing?
As Winter ends so Spring will follow
I wonder, will she come tomorrow?
Character count 279

By Ramya at And Miles to Go Before I Sleep:
Writer’s Block
It’s been long since Maya published her novel.
Every day she would look through the glass of her favourite coffee shop for inspiration for her next. But all she gets is cars zooming past.
She wondered whether this is writer’s block or just she has nothing to say…
Character Count : 263

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
I have nothing to say.
My heart is empty, my mind a blank!
I can’t even post a photo of my meal because I haven’t eaten since you left.
In truth, I haven’t done anything since you left!
All I do is sit here and remember the good times.
There were lots of them.
Now there are none!
(274 characters)

By John at Broadsides:
When I remember, long ago, how we wandered, hand in hand, down these
familiar streets and lanes, and paused and kissed and told each other how much we were in love, and now, you cheating bastard, I wait to kill you.

By Margo at That Little Voice:
1956 Chevy
“It’s beautiful, but…”
“But what?”
“I can’t have it.”
“Where would I park a 1956 Chevy that smells like sex?”
“Under the same bridge your grandparents parked it when they did their part in creating you.”
“Oh, God.”
“Yeah, that’s what they said too.”

Awesome Round Up! Thank you to everyone who participated this week. As always, there is a wide range of interpretations. And it was also brought to my attention by our friend Kristian that we have a few tales that could very well be parts of the same story. See if you can figure out which ones. I love when that happens. 🙂

Twittering Tales #121 – 29 January 2019

Photo by Oleg Magni at

She knew the recipe by heart. Butter, flour and sugar, a few drops of vanilla. These days bakers use fancy appliances to mix the dough, but not Irene. She’d press the flour and butter between her fingertips Into a buttery dough. “Makes the cookies sweeter,” she’d say with a wink.


278 Characters

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