Sunday’s Week in ReVerse – 6 January 2019

There comes a time in one’s life when mortality becomes a thing. One by one older relatives pass away. Even my peers are beginning to cross over. As I celebrate the seasons, holidays, birthdays, I find myself wondering how many more Springs and Autumns, how many more Christmases, birthdays, or other milestones will I be fortunate enough to see. When I was younger I tended to be more forward thinking, or if I’m honest, unthinking, when it came to time. I was invincible, carefree, frittering away the moments. But the older I get, memories have become more precious. And moments are fuller, when I am able to pause to take them in.

I don’t fear death the way I once did. It is a matter of fact. My children have had children and it’s very likely I will not be here to know all of the children of my children’s children. Our lives span a mere two or three generations, dipping into a fourth if we’re lucky. Quantity of years has become less important than its quality.

I’m not trying to be a downer today. The truth is, I’ve had an amazing life filled with family, friends, love, music, triumphs, lessons learned from challenges, and yes, even heartache and loss. I’ve learned patience and the understanding that one gleans from having witnessed the magnificent cycles of life, the seasons, rebirth and new beginnings, the realization of a few dreams and the gentle letting go of others. Even on those nights that feel dark and oppressive, there is always dawn’s first light, birdsong, a new day full of mystery and promise to greet me. And in those bright moments it matters not how many more dawns I may have left, but that I seize the one at hand. Sure I know my days on this planet are numbered. I think about it. But today is begging to be lived and I won’t keep it waiting.

Have a lovely Sunday. Have a great week. Have your cake and eat it too. You’re still breathing. How amazing is that?!

Sunday’s Week in ReVerse – 6 January 2019

trilling songbirds greet the dawn
sing for auld lang syne
I like to hear her scream
be gentle with yourselves my dears
I think I knew
everything is not a battle
to love someone for loving’s sake,
life to death to life things flow
somewhere near, death has claimed a soul


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