Twittering Tales #115 – 18 December 2018

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tale…and a week to do it. I can’t wait to see what you create this week.

Twittering Tales #114 – The Roundup

Photo by MabelAmber at

Starting us off…

The Old Wolf Tree 
Eyes twinkling, Granny whispered, “le’me tell ya’ ‘bout that old wolf tree. My great granny Nell planted it long, long time ago. Ya neva’ know what ya’ might find in its belly. Once I found a family of faeries!”Of course the boys had to check it out for themselves. Wouldn’t you?

By The Dark Netizen:
We loved to explore.
When we were kids, my brother and I would explore the gardens around our house, imagining ourselves to be great explorers.
One of our adventures brought us Indiana Jones’ to the Great Tree in a garden.
We found a skull. The skull found two bodies.
I kept mine….
Character Count: 280

By Reena at ReInventions:
Starting a Journey
The award-winning author shared this throwback pic, during his acceptance speech.
“This is where I started my creative journey. Imagination starts with fairy tales, and is partially destroyed when verification attempts fail. The rest of life is about balancing these two aspects.”
(279 characters)

By Radhika at Radhika’s Reflection:
The Discovery
Granny’s old house in the village had no gadgets. The boys were forced to spend lazy afternoons playing in the huge garden.
An excited shriek from them broke the silence one noon. Inside the hollow, they found an owl sitting near a box full of magic potions and a wand!
Letter count 271

By Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
Time Machine
“Do you know what a time machine is, Ben?” Mikey asked his brother.
“No,” Ben said.
“We take this shoe box and bury it by this tree,” Mikey explained. “Then in 50 years, we come back here, dig it up, and see what’s inside.”
“What’s inside?” Ben asked.
“Time, of course,” Mikey said.
(279 characters)

By Kristian from Tales of the Mind of Kristian:
More Precious than Gold
A Rainbow had shown them the target as It shone on the hollow old tree. 
“Come on,” said Jake to Tom “Let’s see if it’s true about finding gold at the end of a rainbow.”
They dug for hours. 
It provided their Mother with something more precious than gold. A bit of peace and quiet.
[277 characters]

By Ron at Read 4 Fun:
Go Ask Alice
Weekends in the park with Alice was fun. Not a babysitter, Alice played WITH us. It was Hide and Seek. Not many places she could hide. Maybe she was behind the tree. She hadn’t climbed the tree. Sam said she had taken a pill and looked very small before she climbed into the tree.

By Peter at Peter’s Pondering:
A (w)hole lotta trouble
D’ya see it?
But did ya see what happened?
Ya mean……?
Yea, but how?
Dunno. They just disappeared.
But how? It’s only a teeny hole.
I know. Not big enough to get my hand in even!
D’ya think it’s magic?
Must be. How else could it happen?
Dunno. Wha’d’ya think we should do?
(280 characters)

By Rene at Vigil Hours:
It has to be here, Grandpa’s been talking
About it for years, he wouldn’t lie
Hold the flashlight, I’ll dig
‘What if we dig too far and the tree
Falls down?  If we create a
Catastrophe, Grandma will kill us’
No risk, no treasure, Bro
‘Grandma’s coming!’
BOYS! there’s a skunk in there!

By Deb at Twenty Four:
As children they had spent their days in the park, basking in the warmth of the sun but as time they became consumed with the need to excel in the material world.
Sometimes when he looked outside he recalled those days and smiled as he returned before returning to his work.
(273 characters)

By John at Broadsides:
Strike a match
Strike a light
And let us not tell mother
The wood is dry and the fresh wind high
So, strike a light dear brother
For the woods will burn and the houses fry
Red fire engines and helicopters in the sky
So strike a light dear brother
And safe at home we’ll watch the news and cuddle up to mother.

By JP at The Wide-Eyed Wanderer:
Timmy and Billy crouched near the hole in the old tree.
“It was a Leprechaun.”
“Naw, squirrel.”
Suddenly, a tiny winged man appeared, tapping his foot and yelling “I am NOT a Leprechaun!”
Timmy and Billy turned to each other nodding wisely, “Squirrel!”
Character count 274

By Di at Pensitivity101:
I tell you I found its treasure.
It won’t be very happy if you steal it.
I’m just going to move it a bit, that’s all.
But won’t it go hungry?
Nah. A squirrel always knows where to find its nuts.
190 characters.

By Violet at Through Violet’s Lentz:
Little Boys
“Move over. Lemme see.”
“OK. OK. What is it?”
“I don’t know.”
“Where’d you get it?”
“Mom and Dad’s room. In the drawer.”
“The drawer?”
“Yeah. The drawer.”
“Uh oh.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“How you gonna get it back in there?
“I don’t know.”
“You’re dead.”
“I know.”
“But what is it?”
Character Count: 278

By Anurag at Jagahdilmein:
Buried Secrets
The tranquil picture of an ancient tree by the pristine lake was suddenly shattered by two horrified screams.
“Is that a hand?” Stan cried out.
Dave replied brokenly, “Y…y…yes….But…but….how is that possible? We had buried him right proper, I could have sworn!”
271 characters.

By Ramya at And Miles to Go Before I Sleep:
Down the Hole
The boys were fascinated by their Granny’s adventure stories.
One day while playing, they stumbled upon an old tree with a hole underneath it.
Curious to know, they both bent over and fell down the hole.
Now, its their turn to have adventures in Wonderland after their Granny Alice.
Character Count – 280

By Hayley at The Story Files:
Tree Portal
My twin boys were whispering behind the oak tree. Creeping up, I shouted ‘boo!’ they both jumped, ‘What you doing?’
‘We found the way to Christmas land,’ Cody answered.
‘Like in that movie,’ Corey added.
‘But we can’t get in!’
‘We need a little magic,’ I explained.

Great round of tales this week. Disclaimer: if this post looks a bit wonky, I’m still fighting with Gutenberg. (This is my 5th attempt to add this paragraph! Grrrrr) At any rate, thank you to everyone who gave last week a tweet. This week’s photo comes from Free Photos at You have a week and 280 characters or less to tell your tale. 

Twittering Tales #115 – 18 December 2018

Photo by Free Photo on

Josh waited for the house to grow quiet before hiding in the box. He had a perfect view of the fireplace.

The front door creaked open. Josh watched in horror as a man in a red suit took the TV off the wall. Before leaving the man whispered “ho ho ho”.

That wasn’t Santa. No way!


277 Characters

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