I Am…

I am a writer
my tools are letters,
twenty-six in all,
punctuation marks,
points, question
marks, commas,
colons, periods,
semi colons, etc, etc.
nouns, verbs,
adjectives that
define my passion
I am a writer
a tree is not merely
a tree to me, it is
a living example
of resilience, rooted
deep, teaching me
to bend, to reach,
to let go, pulp
for pages to write
upon, teaching
me about grace,
I am a writer
words matter, their
placement on blank
pages and digital
screens, each meter
rhythm, alliteration,
refrain and rhyme are
deliberately placed
keystroke after
keystroke, poetry,
flash, prose…
note to self…
I am a writer


For Mind Love Misery’s Menagerie Sunday Writing Prompt: “Inspiration Talk”

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