Twittering Tale #95 – Raindrops on Glass – 31 July 2018

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tale…and a week to do it. I can’t wait to see what you create this week.

Twittering Tales #94  – The Roundup


Photo by Couleur at

…and starting us off…

A Cold Case
Edwin prowled the streets at night looking for stone monuments to vandalize. A swift swing of a bat rendered them headless.
Police followed every lead to no avail. That is, until a jogger happened upon a headless torso in the park.
Apparently, Edwin grew bored with statues.
273 Characters

From Reena at ReInventions:
“Vandalism has only rendered the statue headless. The persona with life experience imprinted on stone cannot be erased. I can see the pain, the scars and triumphs which moved the sculptor’s hands.”
“I agree. History can be rewritten, not erased or undone.”
(255 characters)

From Amritha at Igniting Hope:
Happy Halloween
Halloween just turned spookier this year when the wax statues at Madame Tussauds came to life. The vampire held her head in his blood-stained hands. Everyone is striving to set the statue right, but in vain– is this a part of attraction or something more serious?
263 characters

49 responses to “Twittering Tale #95 – Raindrops on Glass – 31 July 2018

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