Finding Merak – 3 finit

The Serbian word “Merak” is a feeling of bliss and the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures. It is the pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment.

the gold crescent moon ushers me to bed
its crooked smile hid by cirrus streams
memories of moments fill my sleepy head

at long last, i am flying on moonbeams
serendipity’s bliss attends my dreams


The following is a streaming version of this week’s Terza Rima Challenge. I planned for it to read like a “day in the life” which was interesting since I wrote a new stanza daily. As an assist I tried to write at progressive hours of the day as the week passed. I am still looking for Merak. And so a new day begins…

Finding Merak

to fly above the earth, a bird’s eye view…
tell me robin red what wonders you see
when on the wing, riding the wind, please do

i dream of flying unencumbered, free
yet suffer from a phobia of heights
with my feet, deeply rooted like a tree

but oh there’s something trees get very right
they meet the wind in dance with tender limbs,
with grace to bend when tempests storm the night

whispering soft, the ancients draw me in
familiar voices touch my heart and soul
stardust and sinew meld beneath my skin

earthing, am i, whilst baring my soles
cool grass tickling, trembling in the breeze
cicadas’ shrill diminuendoes troll

gloaming looms on the cusp of ebony
the scent of musk and rose buds fill my head
amaranth tendrils pierce through lace-trimmed trees

the gold crescent moon ushers me to bed
its crooked smile hid by cirrus streams
memories of moments fill my sleepy head

at long last, i am flying on moonbeams
serendipity’s bliss attends my dreams


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