Sunday’s Week in ReVerse – 1 July 2018

I’ve stopped saying, “things can’t get any worse,” because invariably they do, and did again this week. (I won’t bore you with the details. You know.) It means, of course, that we haven’t hit rock bottom. Not yet. And that’s a sobering, terrifying thought. The world has gone mad. It feels like we’re all passengers on a runaway train heading for a wall and there is nothing we can do to stop it. It makes me wonder if things really have to get worse before they get better, or if the night really is darkest before the dawn. Stupid platitudes…

Sometimes I think, “I’m in no hurry for the dawn. I’m perfectly fine pulling the covers up to my neck, and sleeping through that dark dawn phase. Wake me up when it’s over,” as they say. It’s no fun pulling an all nighter sober. And waking up to meet the dawn is a scary prospect. Who knows what the hell we will find when the consequences of our lunacy are revealed in the light of day.

And yet…I know you were waiting for that “and yet”. Well, I got nothing this week. There is no “and yet” this week in retrospect to tide us over until it’s over.

All I can offer you in the midst of this chaos is a hint into how I’m managing with a plug for living in the moment and remembering to breathe. Both are important elements of survival. It’s all we have; a fragile lifeline holding us while everything crumbles into oblivion around us.

I can tell you I had moments this past week. A smile from a stranger, lemon merengue pie, a glimpse of the full moon in all her glory, getting to know our new puppy, fireflies, today’s ReVerse. That’s how I do it folks. I suspect that’s how we all manage to get through each day. And that other thing? Breathing? Be sure you take a moment to give breathing your all. Close your eyes and just do it. You won’t regret it. The dawn will wait for you to exhale.

Peace y’all. Peace.

Sunday’s Week in ReVerse – 1 July 2018

crystalline stillness,
everything I can’t remember
not scheduled
how bitter the blow
daylight slips away
Death coming to call
ground a muddy mess
bird on cable line
a pittance for lauds
with a few lyrics yet to write
from sleepless tides of lunacy
the wind feeds not our bellies but our souls
who will keep them safe
sometimes we must reach,
justice cannot come
from atop his lush throne
in the beginning
dew diamonds misting
garden, honey drunk,
still, they danced
never fading…


A ReVerse poem is a summary poem with a single line lifted from each entry of a collection of work over a particular timeframe and re-penned in chronological order as a new poem. Unlike a collaborative poem, the ReVerse features the words of one writer, providing a glimpse into their thoughts over time. I use it as a review of the previous week.

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