Twittering Tale #77 – 27 March 2017


About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at .

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tale…and a week to do it. I can’t wait to see what you create this week.

Twittering Tale #76 – The Roundup


Photo by adege at

Starting us off…
“Are you kidding me?! Out of gas?!”
“‘Fraid so. I’ll walk back to that service station. Lock the doors ‘til I get back.”
Hours passed. An eerie mist loomed. Sue had dozed off, startled awake by frogs, the size of wolves, peering at her.
“Ribitt…my favorite. Lady fingers.”
(272 Characters)

From Michael at Morpethroad:
The pond scum committee was called to order.
A change of image was required.
They were over the bad rap they received.
Something needed to be done.
Suddenly scum left and right leapt into action.
A leg, a fin, a strangely shaped head.
The scum was changing.
A vision of beauty was born.

From Reena at ReInventions:
“The artist is not at peace with himself.”
“What makes you that?”
“The ugliness captured shows his discomfort with the world, and throwing back the revulsion at them. It is a secret desire for the world to be swallowed by this muck.”
(231 characters)

From Fandango at This, That, and the Other:
“I can’t believe you dropped the whole bucketful into that puddle,” Beth scolded her sister.
“I’m sorry,” Ann said, tears running down her cheeks, “but that thunderclap scared me.”
“It took me hours to fill that bucket. How’s mom gonna make blueberry muffins without blueberries?”
(278 characters)

From Jane at Jane Dougherty Writes:
Who said frogs have stopped evolving?
Once it was every tadpole for himself, wriggling to probable death in a bird’s gullet or a kid’s jamjar. All that changed when thousands of tadpoles united and superfrog was spawned—the golden age of pondlife was about to begin.

From Willow at WillowDot21:
Satan shouted, who had moved his bucket. Silence, Uriel has been clearing up had he moved it? Satan was getting annoyed, where was his spawn.
Uriel smiled as two little boys wandered off into the sun set carrying a bucket of black smelly spawn. Uriel loved making children happy.
(279 characters)

From Jan at Strange Goings On in the Shed:
Something stirred within the mass of writhing bodies. He felt their hunger and cunning. They called to him but he ignored their siren call. The enemy was on the rise. This darkness was foretold. The Shaman whispered words of binding, vowing to imprison the nightmare throng.
(277 characters)

From Hayley at The Story Files:
It’s strange to think that my fondest memories as a child was going out each spring and collecting frog spawn. It just seemed so natural and innocent. It probably started my career too! I’m now head frog and toad keeper at the zoo.

From Francine at Woman Walks Dog:
Breaking News
Scientists have reason to believe that an extinct amphibian, last recorded in 1503, a Giant Toadasaurus has spawned in a local framer’s muddy pool, for reasons unknown. Farmer Jo King told reporters ” Locals can’t wait for this weird and wonderful Hatching to happen .”

From Isabel at Poetry, Fiction, and Photography:
Who’s the Monster Now?
Getting lost in the marsh wasn’t great for our friendship. There was a lot of finger pointing. We were about to bite each other’s heads off when the swamp monster appeared. It took one look at us and dived right back under water.
(230 characters)

Well, that was thoroughly entertaining, everyone! Some of you had a creepy or scary tale to tell, some philosophical, some quite funny and one…blueberries! I have to agree the photo did look a bit like peeled blueberries when I had a second look. Great stories, but I think I’ve had my fill of frogs….you’re welcome! This week, a tall stairwell and a little girl in a photo by Min An at Is she playing a game of hide and seek? Perhaps she is a ghost, or just a flower girl in her auntie’s wedding. There are a few stories here I think. Thanks to everyone who wrote a story last week. Hope to see you at the roundup. 🙂


Twittering Tale #77 – 26 March 2018


Photo by Min An at

Maybe Next Time
“She’s a lovely girl; smart, polite, well-mannered. Mr. and Mrs. Harding, shall I fetch her?”
“Anna Harding,” Anna mused, straightening her dress, smiling.
“Emily dear,” Miss Sedgewick called, “please come down.”
Anna sighed, “maybe next time,” as she watched Emily skip happily by.
(279 Characters)



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