Inverted Limerick #1

‘twas a bad election
that reeked of deception
surreality reigned trumping the rule,
cowards appeased the vain whims of a fool
‘twas a bad election



A new form I came up with, just for fun, in response to a creative brainstorming discussion with my friend Jane Dougherty. :).  It’s subject is not related to gasoline, but it is about a thing I find quite distasteful. 😉 I’m calling it an Inverted Limerick:

Line 1 – 5-7 syllables
Line 2 – 5-7 syllables
Line 3 – 7-10 syllables
Line 4 – 7-10 syllables
Line 5 – 5-7 syllables

Rhyme pattern: A-a-bb-A (line one is repeated on the last line).

12 responses to “Inverted Limerick #1

  • Jane Dougherty

    A new humorous form is born!

    Liked by 2 people

  • willowdot21

    Excellent, form of verse and subject! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  • dornahainds

    Fabulous observations.. 😎🥀😎🥀😎🥀

    Liked by 1 person

  • ron877

    Reblogged this on Read 4 Fun and commented:
    From Indonesia on a Saturday morning,

    I like to use Saturday mornings to go back to my email account and review those emails dismissed with a click on the “next” arrow. These are messages I want to go back and enjoy, ones from folks I know provoke thought. Which is always the case with Kat.

    Note she writes that this was the product of a creative brainstorming session. It is almost as if “While I was having coffee, I thought of this.” Effortless. Off the cuff. A passing thought.

    What I liked was the number of strong, powerful words leading a reader to reflect on one-who-we-don’t-want-to-name.

    “reeked …deception…cowards …vain whims …fool.” Nahhh, don’t want to mention the internal pun. That’s too close to the OWWDWTN (see above).

    A few nationally recognized news outlets have adopted a strategy of not naming certain parties to national tragic and horrible events. The thinking is: Don’t give them publicity. They will eventually fade from public consciousness.

    That strategy won’t work with this one. A paraphrase from one of my favorite movies applies. A child is offered a choice. “Choose, pick a hand.” When the child (in this case, one of the “cowards”) picks the wrong hand, the child is told “Pick again; choose wisely.

    Look at Kat’s explanation of the construction of the limerick, a form she came up with “just for fun.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kat Myrman

      Ha! Your synopsis made me smile Ron. Why is it that we choose to assign our villains with that “one who must not be named” title, as if by naming them we give them too much power. I ponder on that thought for a minute and wonder. Sometimes, at least for me, naming the villain, exposing them, out loud, is way that I have been able to take my power back. Just thinking out loud. And perhaps that is why I use so many clues in my writing…a way of saying it out loud, because I trust the reader knows exactly who I’m naming. Giving them power? Nope, not ever, but in my undeniable reference to the nameless, it is me who holds the power. The pen is a mighty tool.


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