Shy-Blush – a Do-over

Oh my dear… my little Haiku for Ronovan’s Challenge caused quite a fluster…and I did not mean for it to. The prompt words shy and blush and their interesting synonyms definitely took me on a tangent. But you must understand, that for a woman my age, flushing and blushing have more to do with menopausal dips and dives than anything sultry! My mind sooooo did not go where some of yours did! 😳

At any rate, a do-over is in order…g-rated and straight to the point. I also flush crimson when I am steaming mad…which is what I meant to say and should have. πŸ€ͺ

It’s not modesty

flushing my face crimson red…

I blush when I’m mad!

Of course you could take madness down any number of paths…fuming perhaps? Burned? Irate? Full of rage…some might say passion as I did…but that is easily misconstrued. Pissed! Now that’s a fine word. But I did say this Haiku is rated G. Still…substitute it for mad if you like…at least pissed can’t be confused with being bat-shit crazy! Okay now…don’t you dare go there! 😜

I hope you don’t mind me having a bit of fun with today’s silly Haiku. You all gave me a good laugh when I read the comments. It’s all in good fun that I am carrying on the conversation! πŸ˜‰


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