Twittering Tales #58 – 14 November 2017

About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a photo prompt. Your mission, if you choose to accept the challenge, is to tell a story in 280 characters or less. Wait….WHAT?! YES! You read that correctly. Recently, the sages at Twitter announced that they were doubling the character limit. So, of course I am passing this gift on to you! When you write your tale, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing a new prompt. And if for some reason I missed your entry in the Roundup, as I have occasionally done, please let me know. I want to be sure to include your tale.

Finally, have fun!

And REMEMBER…you now have 280 characters (spaces and punctuation included), to tell your tales. I can’t wait to see what you do this week.

Twittering Tale #57– The Roundup

Starting us off…

“How was the bike ride?’
“Didn’t you wear those padded biker shorts?”
“Yeah. Next time I’m gonna strap a pillow to my ass!”
131 Characters

From Reena at ReInventions:

“Thank God for the support springs. Or I wonder how I would have landed on my ass?”

From Di at Pensitivity101

He was the lookout, a master of disguise.
Sit on him and his springs would catapult you into space!
98 characters

From Michael at Morpethroad:

It was the saddle from hell.
Bum sore and thigh rash,
no matter how you adjusted it
It was the maker of misery.
Assigned it happily to the dump.
(141 characters)

From Fandango at This, That, and the Other:

For sale. One used natural leather bike saddle. It’s too hard and the springs are shot, but I need the money so I can splurge on a new one.
(139 characters)

From Kathryn at Another Foodie Blogger:

Grandpa, come look what we found in the woods!
The kids saw rust and cracked leather, but when Hal saw his long lost bike, it was perfection.
140 Characters

From Lady Lee at Lady Lee Manila:

On your bike
Get set, go, have fun
In summer
Till winter
As long as there’s no snow
Cycling is cool sport

(100 characters)

From Jannat007 at Be Happy:

Mom I have got the best blogger award. Where is my gift?
Baby you have been asking for a bike and now you are going to get it.
Here it is.
(137 characters)

From Francine at Woman Walks Dog:

Dorothy’s Bicycle

Its Dorothy’s bike but she’s not here   So unlike her
She’s a good egg   loves her bicycle
Her picnic baskets spilled open on the grass
cupcakes everywhere
Oh dear !

From Leena at Through my Heart Web

Cycle Road Trp,BAD IDEA!
Oh!Cm On DAD,U R Nt Dt Old
Riding Cycle Is Past Nw
So Wht?Once Rider Alwz Rider
Ok Dn Ltz Go
Wohoo,Dad n Son,Fun Mode ON.

From Jan at StrangeGoingsOnInTheHead:

A sad tale of love and ashes…
Wolf and vamp
Lovers doomed
A tragedy waiting to unfold
Riding on steeds of antique silver and garlic leather
A tryst soon ended
Life in flames
(139 characters)

From Willow at WillowDot21:

The broken saddle

If your going in to town Mark can
You pick me up a new saddle.
My old is broken and it rubs. Man
It’s like canoeing all day  without a paddle.
(140 characters)

From Kirst at Kirst Writes:

“It’s too high. I’ll fall off! Will you help me?”
“It’s easy. Come on! Your big brother can do it. Why can’t you?”
I never took to cycling.
(137 characters)

From Peter at Peter’s Pondering:

The emu skull looked great mounted on the shiny springs. The bone was acquiring a fine patina, but it was still a most uncomfortable ride!
(139 characters)

This week’s photo is from SkittersPhotos at Since you have double the characters, I’m excited to see what this fellow’s story is. If course, you can still do a 140 character tale if you’d rather. I read that even given the opportunity to write more, people were still keeping their tweets brief. There is something easy and quick about sharing snippet of thought. But then again, when it comes to fiction…how many of us have wished for just a few characters more? I know I have. The beauty of this all is that you can tell your tale in a flash or not. It’s up to you. 😊

Twittering Tales #58 – 14 November 2017

SkittersPhotos at

The Lady of Emerald Inlet

He was a young salt when the beautiful lady, with long flowing golden tresses and eyes deep as the sea stole his heart.

For 40 years he fished the brackish waters of the inlet hoping to see her again.

They say ‘twas old age that stopped his heart that night. Some say she returned.

(280 Characters! Wow! That was fun!)


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