Twittering Tales #30 – 16 May 2017


About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a prompt, and your mission, if you choose to play along, is to tell a story based on that prompt in 140 characters or less. If you accept the challenge, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale.

A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing us a new prompt. Have Fun!

Twittering Tale #29 – The Round-Up

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From Dillon at Lost in Translation

I look to define,
what I don’t understand,
What troubles my mind,
At the palm of my hand,
Yet the answer I find,
Is not in demand… 
(126 Characters)

From Reena at ReInventions

The crystal ball reader’s job was easy. She just provided different lenses on reality. The consequent changes in action proved her right.
(138 characters)

From Michael at Morpethroad

He loves me he loves me not
He loves me he loves me not
He loves me
Oh bugger!
Toss toss toss
He loves me not
(140 characters)

From Di at Pensitivity101

He didn’t mean to break it.
They were due to go live in 10 seconds.
Hell, rain was forecast anyway.
They’d never guess.
(116 characters)

From Soul Connection at Through My Heartweb

Should I go for it or not,every time you helped me to clear my doubt.Today its not about doubt,the answer lies on my destiny.Its about Love.
(140 Characters)

From Lady Lee at Lady Lee Manila

on a good day
birds singing
forsythia blooming
kisses from Him Indoors
peace at last
on a bad day
wolves howling
flowers dying
Him Indoors left
(140 Characters)

From Lorraine at In 25 Words More Or Less

He loves me, he loves me not. Digital version of plucking daisy petals. [Am I behind the eight ball, or what?]
(111 characters; 21 words)

From Kathryn at Another Foodie Blogger

Everyone groaned at the final shake of the 8-ball, but Katy just grinned. Little did they know that Katy ALWAYS did everything backwards.
(137 Characters)

From Francine at Woman Walks Max

The man I just met, will he ring ? Most likely yes. I feel a bond. He’s sultry, mysterious. Long term? Very doubtful, sigh.
(123 Characters)

From Peter at Peter’s Ponderings

Magic 8 ball, oh dear, what a blow
I’ve not seen one, so how can I know
how it’s meant to work
I feel such a berk
My ignorance now on full show!
(140 characters)

…and starting us off…

“YES” It’s a sign! I’m overdue for a raise. It’s time to ask. One more flip of the 8 Ball, just to be sure.”VERY DOUBTFUL”? Ugh…Nevermind!
(140 Characters)

Thank you to everyone who gave the Magic 8 Ball a flip, and tried their hand at a reverse query. It seems that for many of us the Magic 8 Ball is a great substitute for a daisy. A good thing too…poor daisies who have their petals plucked for the sake of our lovelorn hearts. I can’t believe we are at 30 Twittering Tales today! You all a quite a creative bunch. As usual, I found this gem of a photograph at The minute I saw it, I fell in love with it. The photographer calls this photo, “Calm”. Um…Okay. So what do you think? Is the glass half empty or half full and why in the world is it leaning? Or is it? Have fun! I’ll see you next week at the round-up!


Photo titled “Calm” from

“It’ll be fun,” he said. 3 days at sea, 4 more to go, she glanced at the glass of water on the table. The thought of a sip made her sick!

(137 Characters)

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