Twittering Tales #14 – 24 January 2017


About the challenge: Each Tuesday I will provide a prompt photo, and your mission is to tell a story based on that prompt in 140 characters or less.

If you accept the challenge, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing us a new prompt.  Have Fun!

Here is the roundup of last week’s creative twittering tales based on this photo:

Michael at Morpethroad started us off with a dare! I must admit, I took the bait!

Anything else?
Beakthwistle powder?
One kilo?
Mangle towjamer?
Left handed?
All set?
Wanna watch?
Yes please.
(140 characters)

Mick from Mick’s Blog jumped in with an entire collection of tales in the form of Haiku and Tanka poems.

Twittering Tales
tanka tales twitters
fiction but one is so true
no to badger culls

sat across the table
eyes piercing my broken heart
pen at the ready
where did you hide the body
interrogation had begun
(Characters 115)

two cells an ipad
technology apparent
note pad pen in hand
o the days of writing words
old school reporter transcribes
(Characters 114)

bad feelings were electric
organised badger culling
no not if I have my way
(Characters 122)

man and his girlfriend
marriage plans on the table
notes necessary
then promises forgotten
both left failing to agree
(Characters 113)

Kathryn from anotherfoodieblogger penned this tale…;)

A pen? A paper calendar diary? That’s what iPads are for! I’m sorry baby, this just isn’t going to work out for us, I do everything online.
(139 Characters)

A friend of Michael, Pensitivity101 (name please…did I see Di somewhere?) joined us this week with a Race to the finish in her very succinct Twitter Tale. Good one. Thanks for joining us.

Get set………..
Pen’n’pad versus ipad.
(60 characters)

Willow at Willowdot21 gave us a tale of intrigue through the eyes of a mad barista! 🙂

Always an espresso and a glass of water. Two phones, a tablet and a notebook. What were they doing? It was driving Tom the barista mad!
(139 Characters)

Our friend The Bag Lady, says she got carried away and just kept writing. I don’t have space for the entire story but do pay her blog a visit and read her fabulous bit of flash fiction based on the prompt photo. The Cocktail Party.

Sonali at Howling with the Wolf took us to the classroom or more precisely cramming with a friend with her tale…

“No mobiles or tablets! Let’s have a look at your French Grammar!”

There was no stricter teacher than a best friend one day before the exam.

(138 characters)

Gayl at her blog GaylWright gave us three different tales to think about. Two stories and a Haiku. My my, you all are really getting into twittering! 🙂

First story:

“Why do YOU always get to write and have the espresso?”
“Hush, let me think. Drink your water.”
“That’s it, I’m leaving!”

“Wait! I’m sorry.”

(137 characters)
Second story:
“Another work day.
We talk, make our lists.
Where’s the fun?”
“Just checking off one more thing.
Our new assignment is exciting!
You’ll love it!”

(140 characters)

Drinks untouched again
Minds dwell on recent events
Can’t write fast enough

Do you remember
Last time we were together
There were three of us

(140 characters including title)

And Irena at Books and Hot Tea gave us some good advice…get it in writing (Im paraphrasing of course):

“Are you really writing down what I’ve just said?!”
“Of course! If I forget it I’ll never be able to use it in my novel.”

(120 characters)

A really nice collection of twitter tales everyone! There were so many fun twists. Almost forgot…this is my try at the prompt:

Acting paranoid he whispered, “No one believes me. But I swear I saw ’em, plain as day!” 

“Just start from the beginning,” she assured him.

(138 characters)

I hope you all are enjoying this as much as I am. Without further ado, let me present this week’s photo prompt. From Pexels (another royalty free photo site). I actually had this one picked out before I found the one we used for last week. I can’t wait to see the stories you all come up with!

Twittering Tales #14 – 24 January 2017


I woke up in a field, the sun blocked by two beady eyes, hot green breath on my face. The last thing I remember? An eerie light in my room.
(139 Characters)

Oh I can’t resist! I love this photo. Here’s another!

So consumed in passion were they, that they didn’t notice the herd of sheep who seemed very interested in the mating ritual of humans.
(134 Characters)

kat – 24 January 2017

Your Turn…Go! 🙂

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